T-Minus 24 Hours and Counting

Only 24 hours to go until a midterm election that will not only determine which party has control of congress, but the direction of our country.

Many Americans (including myself) feel that under GOP rule this country has slid backwards on a lot of fronts. The sad part is the slide has been so glaringly obvious in comparison to the Clinton admionistration.

After generating record surpluses, we are now in debt. We spent a decade at peace. Now we are embroiled in a quagmire in Iraq. People feel their votes don't count after two questionable elections. We have lost the respect of the world on many fronts and our country is getting more fearful, selfish and mean-spirited by the day.

The polls are giving me hope that people are finally waking up to what a disaster this administration has been. They are projecting that the Democrats will get the House and get close to taking the Senate. The C-J not only has endorsed John Yarmuth but the polls show he has a five point lead.

Is it really gonna happen? Anne Northup finally gets beat? I'll believe it when I see it.

I'm gonna do my part. I'm getting up bright and early tomorrow to cast my vote. We'll see how it turns out after the polls close at 6 PM.

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