This week Rush's racist chickens came home to roost when he got bounced as a minority partner in an ownership group seeking to purchase the St. Louis Rams.
Couldn't happen to a nicer Oxycontin popping anus.
He and his Dittoheads are trying to spin it, but if Rushbo and his fans really want to know who cost Rush his shot at NFL ownership, Limbaugh need only look in the mirror.
Oh yeah Rush, don't bother trying to buy an NBA franchise either because you've pissed off peeps in that league as well with this racist comment.
Now lets see who else besides Rushbo showed championship level stupidity in earning our Shut Up Fool! Award this week.
Our winner got this for trying to defend and spin the fact that Rushbo got so publicly smacked down by NFL owners, the commissioner and players.
Ann Coulter opened up her big mouth and stuck her pumps in it by saying NFL players would pick Limbaugh over "Nazi collaborator" Soros because "a lot of them" are "real Christians".
Um, Ann. This comment by Matthias Kiwanuka is a sample of the sentiments echoed by African American players, who make up about 60% of the NFL.
"I am not going to draw a conclusion from a person off of one comment," said Kiwanuka. "But when it is time after time after time and there's a consistent pattern of disrespect and just a complete misunderstanding of an entire culture that I am a part of, I can't respect him as a man."
Many players are saying the same things, but not as publicly.
Ann Coulter, shut up fool!