Transgendered children have the right;
· to be called by a name they recognise as their own and to have the personal pronoun (he/she) which they prefer used to describe them,
· to be accepted by everyone as the gender they prefer,
· to appear on the outside the way they feel on the inside,
· to live with their parents, not be taken away because of their gender identities and to have their parents informed about gender identity issues
· to know that they are transgendered, even if they decide to conceal their gender identities from adults, and to know that they are not weird, deviant, unacceptable or evil.
· not to be abused, teased or bullied by other children or adults for being transgendered,
· to be supported by all adults working with them in school and other support services,
· to be taught by teachers who understand the nature of gender identity in transgendered children, and to be given the language with which to talk about themselves.
· to be in a school where other pupils have been taught about gender identity and where they can feel safe,
· to wear whatever clothes make them feel comfortable,
· to decide which toilet to use and which clubs or sports teams to join,
· to learn about other people whose gender identities are different from the majority of people,
· to go through puberty in a way which is acceptable to them,
· to be given the same opportunities to succeed in their education as all other children,
· to self-determination, dignity, respect, non-interference, to make informed personal decisions,
· to a voice in any situations where decisions are being made about their future.