Join Former Miss USA Tara Conner for LIVE Facebook Chat on Treatment and Recovery


Meet the Parents Hour

August 23, 2011

Join Former Miss USA Tara Conner for LIVE Facebook Chat on Treatment and Recovery


"I always thought an alcoholic was the old man who lives underneath the bridge and was homeless. I didn't realize that it affects everyone. This is a disease that does not discriminate — including Miss USAs.""
— Tara Conner

Join us for our monthly "Meet the Parents Hour," a popular, LIVE Facebook Chat and Q&A session taking place this Wednesday, August 24 at 12 p.m. EDT/ 9 a.m. PDT, featuring Tara Conner, former Miss USA and Public Advocacy Consultant for Caron Treatment Centers.

Tara will share how education and treatment have made a difference in her life and how she's working to raise awareness about recovery for other families.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to chat with Tara and an expert from Caron, and hear from others touched by substance abuse.

Learn more about what parents have said about participating in "Meet the Parents Hour:"

"I am so glad to have participated in 'Meet the Parents Hour.' No one should ever give up no matter how hard it gets."

"This has been so incredible. Thank you all for your questions, your answers, your stories. I'm so proud to be part of this community."

"Thank you everyone for sharing – we are so not alone on this journey."

Joining the discussion is easy. It will take place within the comment thread under Tara's photo on The Partnership at's Facebook wall. Please make sure to REFRESH YOUR BROWSER THROUGHOUT THE CHAT to view all comments and questions.

Log on. Get involved. Sharing your voice provides incredible support to our community!

-- The Partnership at

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