A monumentally enormous failure of presidential leadership..Barack Obama has failed his party, his country & the world. He must be replaced in 2012..

Why is this a surprise to at least 65 million morons who voted for the Comrade in Chief??
The most intelligent person to ever walk the face of the earth can't make Socialism work but, the dumbest capitalist CAN make Capitalism work!   
For years the lying leftard media-wing of the Dummie Party repeated nightly that Dumbo is the most intelligent being ever to run for president. He's not. He's a sub-par intellect who reads a Teleprompter well. Period. Forest Gump, without Forest's good heart.
Who are the fools who buy the leftard meme that EVERY Dummie candidate is brilliant, and EVERY Republican is a moron? Goes back decades. Goebbels: Tell a lie often enough....
Media lies to push Marxist ideology.

A monumentally enormous failure of presidential leadership | CLICK FOR MORE..

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