Most recently, some from the CIA – believe the White House's latest Obama birth certificate is a criminal fraud...
Among the many points explored in "Where's the Birth Certificate" are:
Among the many points explored in "Where's the Birth Certificate" are:
- Obama was born a dual citizen of the United Kingdom and the United States, a circumstance the Constitution’s framers considered an iron-clad roadblock to the presidency.
- As a boy, Obama was officially registered in school as a Muslim and Indonesian citizen, another barrier to U.S. natural-born citizenship.
- The press and blogosphere widely reported that Obama was born at Queen’sMedicalCenter in Honolulu – before deciding he was born across town at Kapi'olani Women’s and Children's Hospital.
- The CongressionalResearchService, a public policy arm of Congress, officially admits no one in the government ever vetted Obama's constitutional eligibility.
- In preparation for the 2012 election, more than a dozen states considered legislation to force all presidential candidates to prove they are constitutionally qualified before they can be placed on that state's ballot.
The book is the result of three years of exhaustive research that included investigativetripsto Kenya, Hawaii and points in between
Tea party exploring Obama's eligibility ; CLICK FOR MORE..