August 18, 2011 This Week In Coalitions Online... Coalitions in Action: Kansas City Coalition Mobilizes Around Marijuana | Marva Moses used to think that the Hickman Mills community of Kansas City, Mo., was a wonderful place for a child to grow up. | Read more... | Congressional "Super Committee" Created to Identify Budget Cuts | As part of the law that raised the debt ceiling, a Congressional "super committee" was created to determine at least $1.5 trillion in additional cuts by Nov. 23. The super committee is made up of 12 Congressional members including six representatives (3 Democrats and 3 Republicans) and six senators (3 Democrats and 3 Republicans). Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) are the co-chairs of the "super committee." | Read more... | CADCA Responds to National Poll Showing Drug Abuse Ties Childhood Obesity as Top Health Concern | This week, the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital released the results of its 5th annual national poll, in which Americans rated drug abuse and childhood obesity as the top health concerns for our nation's youth. | Read more... | Forum 2012: Call for Presentations | CADCA's Call for Presentations for our 22nd National Leadership Forum will open Wednesday, Aug. 24. CADCA is requesting workshop proposals addressing the latest research findings, cutting-edge program successes, lessons learned or problems solved. | Read more... | Learn How Medical Marijuana and Legalization Efforts are Impacting Communities on Aug. 25 CADCA TV Show | Are you located in a state where medical marijuana is legal or where marijuana legalization is being considered? If so, then don't miss next week's CADCA TV program, "The Blunt Truth: Communities Dealing with Marijuana." During this hour-long show, representatives from various states will discuss how medical marijuana laws and marijuana legalization efforts are impacting their communities, and what they're doing to tackle this issue. The show airs Aug. 25, from 1-2 p.m. EST. | Read more... | CADCA Podcast Identifies Benefits of a Strong Community Assessment | A comprehensive community assessment represents the first and most important step in building a coalition, establishing a description of the needs, resources and history of a community. Gathering empirical and qualitative data allows the coalition to analyze and identify local substance abuse issues using a strong, evidence-based process that drives all of a coalition's strategies and initiatives. | Read more... | Experts Call 'Addiction' a Disease | Addiction is a chronic brain disorder, and not merely a behavioral problem or simply the result of taking the wrong choices, according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, which has redefined 'addiction.' | Read more... | Menthol May Make It Tougher to Stop Smoking | HealthDay News reports that menthol cigarettes make it more difficult for smokers to quit, especially blacks and Puerto Ricans, a new study indicates. | Read more... | | | | Join us at our 13th annual Drug-Free Kids Campaign Awards Dinner as we celebrate the work of thousands of community coalitions across the nation and world that are helping to keep kids safe, healthy and drug-free. Our Annual Drug-Free Kids Campaign Awards Dinner honors individuals, businesses and organizations that help raise awareness and support for CADCA's mission to strengthen anti-drug coalitions. Visit the Drug-Free Kids Campaign website now! | |