Victorious Life ... Stories of Victory

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Victorious LIfe - Friday Blog []

This letter was recently received at the RUI Headquarters in Rockford, Illinois.
It was a blessing to us and we wanted to share it with you...

I want to share with R.U.I. my Reformers Unanimous Testimony. I'm not doing this
for it to be posted on the website - just sharing how pivotal R.U. has and is in
my daily life:

I joined Reformers Unanimous to help me overcome some addictive behavior. I did
not have any illegal behavior; but being a single parent, I had control, trust,
and anger issues and always wanted everything to be under MY control. When I wasn't
in control, I felt as though I was a weak person.

I accepted Christ as my Savior at 11 years of age, but I did not walk in His will
all my life. I rededicated my life to Him in November 2007. I truly surrendered
control to Him in July 2010. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2010
(the same cancer that my mother was diagnosed with and passed away from in 2003)
and had multiple surgeries in 2011. I still have cancer and am currently undergoing
treatment daily to prevent new tumors. I will have to take this medication for the
rest of my life; I also have other health issues that severely limit my mobility,

I must tell you that joining Reformers Unanimous is the best program to show how
to live your life under the surrendering to Jesus Christ and allowing the Holy
Spirit to lead and teach you how to become an Overcomer. The challenges in the books

I also look at this program as a discipleship program because it keeps me searching
His word and through the hunger I have to learn all I can about my Lord and Savior.
The Holy Spirit has enhanced my spiritual growth. I shudder to think what my current
cancer battling journey would be like if I had not joined Reformers Unanimous and
had not been preparing myself through obedience to the Holy Spirit by completing
these challenges.

I can honestly tell you that I know that I know that I would not have the peace
that I do have now because I would not have been prepared by the R.U. challenges
keeping me in His word. Many people don't really understand the truth about Reformers
Unanimous and may feel that Reformers Unanimous is only for people that have addictions
such as alcohol, drugs, etc. But R.U. also helps those that struggle with self control,
anger, bitterness, gossip, negativity, forgiveness, dependability, appreciation,
meekness, humility, loyalty, pride, immorality animosity, negligence, patience,
discretion, and tolerance - just to name a few.

If you want to serve God more, come participate in RU and at least complete the
Overcomer Challenge Booklet and see what a Psalm One Christian is and ask yourself
where you stand. I did just that and it has blessed my life more than I can ever
explain. I know that it is my path in life - to continue to be a member and be
a ladies group leader of RU. I can't wait to attend each Friday night. Yes, I am
willing to surrender my Friday nights to God because my life is not about me -
it's about serving Jesus Christ the way He deserves to be served.

I personally welcome and challenge everyone reading this to attend your local Reformer
Unanimous chapter and experience what I have with RU and allow God to have control
of your life. Today could be the day...are you ready? Do you know where you will
spend eternity? Do you want to know how to be sure?

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