The Title Is:

Yesterday afternoon, I wandered around Christopher Street while I waited for an open chair in my regular barbershop. A glance into the tightly packed porn shops along the south side of the street revealed an explosion of gay porn releases with the word "Bareback" in their titles.

"Bareback Orgy", "Bareback Gangbang", "Bareback 2, Electric Boogaloo". Ok, I made that last one up.

This phenomenon has been going on in gay porn for about the 7 or 8 years, as far as I know. The inevitable fetishization of barebacking, and more specifically, of cum itself, is probably a predictable result of 20 years of safe sex messages. But that topic is for another post. Today, I'm making up porn titles. These are the one I came up with during my haircut. Porn producers, feel free to use them.

Bareback To The Future

How Stella Got Her Groove Bareback

Bareback In The USSR

The Empire Strikes Bareback

Welcome Bareback, Kotter

OK, that last one would be a tv show, starring a now 60 year old Gabe Kaplan. Barebacking.


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