The 2005 URBS

Gridskipper, part of the Gawker Media blog empire, is running their 2005 Urban Blogging Awards contest right now. I've been nominated (blush) in the "World's Best Urban Gay Blog" category. It looks like they will be culling the field of nominees down to just a few, at the end of Friday, December 2 and then the finalists will be voted on begining Monday, December 5th.

If you're feeling the love for Joe.My.God., you can add to my nominations here, which requires petitioning Gridskipper to become one of their sanctioned commenters, from what I can tell.

Or you can simply fire off an email to explaining how the sun doesn't rise until you've read Joe.My.God. Tell them how you've laughed, you've cried, how I became a part of you. That kind of stuff. You know. Make something up.

And if I win, you totally don't have to get me anything for Xmas.


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