And the nominees are....

Me. Just me. Certainly not me AND five other worthy gay bloggers. Ignore them. By the way, did anybody see that story on CNN where it was announced that December was International Vote For Joe.My.God. Month? No? Really? Maybe I saw that on Fox.

Yes, gentle readers, I made the cut. I'd like to thank my coworkers, my friends and the manufacturers of Mountain Dew, all of whose support I need to keep writing my freaky little stories.

Voting for the Gawker Media 2005 Urban Blog Awards has commenced. You may vote for me here. And here. Aaaaaaaaaaand HERE. You may vote once a day, until you figure out how to hack around that, I think. Meanwhile, I've got to catch a plane to Bangalore, as I'm outsourcing my teams of hired voters. Sure, their pay is only 14 cents an hour, but it's not like they have to click their mouse more than once a day.

Lastly, I give my humblest thanks to you, gentle readers. If it wasn't for you all, I'd be putting my face into the blender most mornings, instead of two bananas and a lithium.

(P.S. - Vote HERE.)


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