2006 Bloggies

The final and most prestigious bloggers' awards have released the finalists' names for 2006. (Click graphic to enlarge.) I'm tickled to be on the list along with my usual awards nemesis, gay news and gossip site Towleroad. Other co-nominees are gay news and gossip site Queerty and gay news and politics site Good As You. I read all of these guys every day and I encourage you to visit their sites as they comb the internet daily to find stories relevant to gay culture.

My final co-nominee is my personal favorite, Ernie Hsuing's Little.Yellow.Different. Ernie delivers often hilarious, sometimes poignant, but always beautifully rendered recountings of his life as a geek, a homo, an Asian-American, and as the brother of a mentally-ill sister. To my mind, Little.Yellow.Different is what blogging is all about.

As a reader said here on JMG recently, placing diarists in the same category with these commercial news sites, with all their advertising and product placements, is a bit of the old apples to oranges condundrum, but it is what it is. Voting in all categories is here. Apologies, but I don't know how to make a link that will take you directly down the page to the LGBT portion. This is the last of the blogging awards for the year and therefore my last post on the subject, praise Jebus.

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