That's just me and the way I am. I like having concrete goals that I work to try to achieve. Making resolutions and writing them down gives me a way of not only checking my progress towards that goal I set at the beginning of the year but gives me a sense of accomplishment and a sense of pride when I do make it happen.
So with that being said, what are Moni's Resolutions for 2010?
*I want to get down to 210 pounds from the 228 I'm at as of January 1, 2010. Have to work off the extra weight I picked up when I went back to Houston and got spoiled rotten for Christmas.
*I want to publish one of my fiction writing manuscripts by January 2011.
*I will set aside time to do fiction writing and complete the trans themed manuscript I've been working on.
*In doing my part for the African American Transsisterhood Initiative, I am going to get to know 10 transwomen I don't currently talk to on a regular basis.
*I will continue to work on evolving into the quality Black woman I want to be and strive to take and make more quality time for myself.
*I will make five new friends before the end of the year.
*I will get to know and have regular conversations with ten international trans people
*I will do a better job of staying in contact with family members and the friends I already have in my life.
Those are nice to start with. You can check back dear readers on January 1, 2011 and see how well I did in achieving them.