Alcohol and Drug Treatment: Rehab and Treatment Facilities

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Rehab and Treatment Facilities
Buddy T
From Buddy T, your Guide to Alcoholism
Detoxification from chemical alcohol and drug dependence actually takes only a few days, then the battle to remain clean and sober really begins. Professional rehabilitation and treatment programs offers alcoholics a range of services to help them deal with the psychological and emotional barriers to maintaining sobriety.
Treatment Centers
Does Treatment Work?
Treatment outcomes for alcohol and drug abuse compare favorably with outcomes for many other chronic medical conditions. The longer one abstains from alcohol, the more likely one is to remain sober.

Components of Effective Treatment Programs
How can you tell if an alcohol treatment program or facility is effective? What are the components and ingredients of programs that get the best results? Here is a check list.

Finding the Right Treatment Program
Here are 12 questions to consider when selecting an alcohol or substance abuse treatment or rehabilitation program. The important thing is to choose an approach that works best for you.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Cognitive behavior therapy is mostly used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, phobias, and other mental disorders. But it has also been shown to be valuable in treating alcoholism and drug addiction, especially as part of an overall program of recovery.

Find a Facility
Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers
Here is a directory of public, private and nonprofit agencies in the United States that offer various levels of alcoholism and drug abuse rehabilitation and treatment services.

Canadian Rehab Centers
A list of Canadian alcohol and substance abuse treatment centers, rehabilitation centers and hospitals that have web pages.

This email is written by:
Buddy T
Alcoholism Guide
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