Minecraft - Griefcraft Hack Client 1.8 + Free Download link

Minecraft - Griefcraft Hack Client 1.8 + Free Download Link
[Image: tragh.png]


    Radar - shows you if someone is around you, and if they are it will show you how far they are by using blocks Capes - i get to decide who shall receive a cape behind their back, it is visible to everyone using the client. 
    Fly - lets you fly anywhere in mid air - faster than normal clients Wall Climb - lets you climb walls (even on nocheat servers, very useful) 
    Sneak - allows you to hide your name making it extremely hard for other players to see your name.
     Nofall - take no damage when you land on the ground from a high jump or a fly. 
    Namechanger - lets you change your name in offline/cracked servers only. 
    Fullbright - makes everything bright Noclip - somewhat useful, just like fly. Xray - makes the ground transparent and shows you where all blocks and items are. 
    Creative Nuker - a nuker like any other, but only works in creative mode Speedminer - mines 3x faster than regular[PERFECT FOR GRIEFING] - 
    Speedy Gonzalez is exactly like Speedminer in this client, but Speedminer is faster than Speedy Gonzalez. 
    Nametags - lets you see a player's names from a far distance, enlarging it as well. 
    Creative Reach - lets you build/destroy blocks from really far only in reative mode. 
    Build Hack - places 10 blocks stacked on top of each other in 1 second. Coordinates - X, Y, Z - shows you where you are using the X, Y, and Z coordinates.
     FPS Counter - tells you how high/low your FPS is. (Frames Per Second, the higher the better)
     .spam Command - spams any kind of message you'd like and however many times you'd like to spam the message. Usage: .spam=texthere=amount of messages sent 
    .commands - shows all of the commands .derp (makes your head spin around / go back and forth really weird, good for trolling) 
    .ci=9 (infinite durability exploit, the item you want to exploit must be on the top left of your inventory!)

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