Short Cuts

- WYSIWYG's first event in its new home, the Bowery Poetry Club, is next Tuesday. This month's theme: Starfuckers: Close Encounters Of The Famous Kind. Last month's final Wizzy in the old location, the revered P.S. 122, was way sold-out, so don't arrive on GST.

- Kenneth Hill, the "Gayest Editor Ever" and managing editor of AOL's gay & lesbian section, has a blog. Nice blogroll, man!

- Out of the blue: I've just decided that if I ever open a leather/SM shop, I'm calling it Slings-N-Things.

- An oldie that cheered me up this weekend: 1981's Class Action classic "Weekend", spun by DJ Paul Ferrer at the NYC Eagle. "Oh, me? Why yes, I'm getting ready to go out. Oh, no no NO. No, I know you didn't think I was staying home tonight!" Lyrics.

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