Aaron Eckhart...actors inflict pain for meaty roles!

Reportedly, actor Aaron Eckhart came up with a novel solution for a scripted scene where he was required to demonstrate pain in the groin area.

The thespian allegedly clipped a clothespin on his - um - manhood.

While Eckhart may have had "no reservations" about it - when it comes to the family jewels - I don't take any risks!

Meanwhile, intriguing gossip about Christian Bale wormed its way into the tabloid rags, as well.

At the "Rescue Dawn" screening, the handsome actor firmed up reports that he crashed-dieted on occasion to achieve the weight fluctuations that were a definite prerequisite for a particular role.

The busy star - who was cast in the big screen bio of U.S. Fighter Pilot, Dieter Dengler - is allegedly not comfortable talking about such things for fear it will invariably "take away" from the film project.

Actors have been known to stretch the limits when it comes to preparing for a part.

For Othello, Laurence Olivier apparently underwent a transformation with extensive study and heavy weightlifting in order to get the right bodily form for the "Moor of Venice".

Allegedly, he even bellowed at a herd of cows for an hour to acquire a deep rich voice.

Likewise, in spite of the fact Brad Pitt was blessed with great genes, the sexy icon nonetheless immersed himself in exhausting rounds of mind-boggling physical routines to chisel awesome rippling abs and beauteous physique on glorious display in “Troy" which placed him on a plateau with the very Gods.

But it is not always necessary for an actor to starve, inflict pain on body parts, or venture down such strenuous pathways to achieve such lofty goals.

On most occasions, a trained actor has simply to draw on professional devices or a clever bag of tricks - a finely-tuned accent, irregular gait, calculated slouch in posture, a distinctive mannerism or two - to effect personality traits peculiar to the character.

In Sariana, George Clooney achieved this without effort when he simply packed on a few pounds and used some effective body language to pull off the acting turn of his career.

Indeed, his characterization plausibly evoked the image of a man losing his grip, slipping slowly into desperation and middle-age.

It's not always necessary to pinch your ****s, dear boy.

Jared Leto crash-dieted for role of drug addict in Requiem for a Dream...

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