In response to an e mail from Yoko Ono, I posted a notice Friday afternoon, noting that music fans would be taking a moment on December 8th - at 11:15 pm - to reflect on the actual anniversary of John Lennon's death.
Saturday was a hectic day for me, so when I arrived home, I plunked down on the bed to relax for a second; in moments, I slipped into a deep sleep.
Suddenly, I awoke later in the evening, and felt a distinct blast of cold air in the bedroom.
When I glanced at the clock on the night table, the digital numbers read: 11:28 pm.
I reached for a candle (with an image of Christ on the face) and lit a match. But, right away, it flickered out. Strange, that never happened before.
When I lit a second match, the flame flickered for a second or two, then fizzled out again.
To my surprise, I either heard a voice - or a distinct thought inside my head - whisper, "God is Dead".
I flopped down on the pillows and reflected on John Lennon a moment.
To myself, I reasoned...this is the kind of prank Lennon might pull to either get my attention or confirm that his spirit was truly in my presence.
An image of the former Beatle - one similar to that pictured above - then flashed across my consciousness.
At this point, the curtain at the window fluttered for a moment or two.
"It's very warm and peaceful here. I can touch everyone with my love," John said softly, if I am not mistaken.
I laid back on the bed and glanced up...the candle was now casting a circle on the ceiling.
I heard a voice say, "There is no beginning or end. God is eternal"...
Imagine that!