Ah, the lazy days of summer are upon us!
When I zipped into my favorite Starbucks outlet in West Hollywood, I couldn't help but notice the festive eye-catching shades on the snoz of one of the kids who plies the eclectic cafe treats there.
The quirky fun specs were somewhat reminiscent of a pair of poindexters, but the rims screamed out in a pop-inspired fire-engine red!
Very cool!
You know, since I became a transplant to sunny California, it has always surprised me how many people in the BIG ORANGE trounce around town - wearing sandals in open jeeps with T's off or with their top-of-the-line Benz convertible rag-tops down - without donning a pair of sunglasses for protection under the sizzlin' mid-day solar rays.
Vanity be thy name?
Yes, I expect a handful of Hollywood hopefuls are anxious to show off their pretty mugs in tantalizing Tinsel town where an all-elusive break into the biz is just a glance away.
But, for longevity's sake (unless you want to play character actors for the rest of your life) it's always wise to cover up when splashing into the zesty beach days of summer each year.
After all, treks in the scorching sun without shades get 'ya squinting - and over time - etch out some nasty crow's feet up-close and personal to your luminous baby blues.
Notwithstanding, scrutinizing objects in the bright sun without protection may eventually cause irreversible damage to the retina of the eye.
So, it's important to not only sport shades, but ensure the pair you snap up have maximum Ultra Violet (UV) protection!
But, forget rims in "granny styles". After all, wrap-a-round coverage is best.
Of course, there are many brands to choose from!
Ray-Bans, as always, are Top Gun!
And, in 90210 (Beverly Hills, dahlink!) designer shades with ubiquitous logos upfront and screeching "money" are always in vogue.
But, if you're on a budget or continually misplacing your fave pair (like moi!), occasionally - and for a song with a stroke of luck - you'll be able to snatch up a real snazzy pair at the 99 cent store.
But, scan for the UV protection sticker, please!
Another benefit of protection?
In a matter of weeks you'll also notice the texture and tone of the skin around the eyes noticeably improved.
It saves face! Just ask my pals, below.