As I waited for the light to change at Robertson, a young woman with an infectious smile approached me with a gift in hand.
"This is given with unconditional love," she softy said.
As the lady sauntered off, I spied a couple of her friends passing out similarly-wrapped packages to other pedestrians on the street.
The curious gift was beautifully wrapped in an exquisite paper shell emblazoned with a star motif, topped by a delightful spray of spritely-colored curly cues.
I surmised that when I excitedly tore open the present, the contents would reveal a promotion of some kind. (not so!)
Ah, cynical ole me!
When I entered Java Detour across the street for a cup of soothing organic tea, a patron's eyes went wide when she spied the offering in my hands.
When I relayed the events, she exclaimed with joy,
"Someone received good fortune and now they have passed it on to you. You are blessed."
Sort of like tithing, I guess. Or giving back to the Universe, eh?
Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if people willy-nilly went about their lives each day - passing out gifts to friends, business associates, and strangers on the street, without any strings attached?
Unconditional giving...
Victor Hugo once said,
"As the purse is emptied, the heart is filled."
The giving tree...