Hillary Clinton...the dream slips away. Barack mindful baggage costs extra!

Rumors floated around in the last thrust of the primaries earlier this week that some negotiating was going on behind-the-scenes to exchange pledges for a toasty VP slot for Hillary Clinton.

The scuttlebutt revved up a little when word filtered out that Obama knocked Hillary up ( English term for calling someone on the telephone) and suggested they get together for a chat when things calmed down a bit.

In spite of the fact pundits and the insiders alike hinted that wily Hillary was a designer shoe-in for the "dream ticket", conflicting statements started filtering out of both camps.

I guess someone woke up from the nightmare!

"No overtures were made," stressed a loyal poker-faced chieftain playing cards close to the chest in the Clinton camp.

Meanwhile, press outlets started reporting that in a clandestine conference call with key players on the Democratic ticket scene, Hillary swore up-and-down she'd do whatever it took to help usher Obama-cakes into the Oval Office in November. And, some allege, she slyly made a ploy for the second-place slot on the ticket, somewhat obsequiously.

Boy, would I have liked to have been a fly on that wall!

But, something must have gone awry.

Suddenly, on the heels of his big-win Tuesday, Obama did a bit of an about-face.

To an incredulous media, he announced he'd wait 'til fall to name a running mate.


But, it was the stunner about mulling over potential candidates, that tipped me off.

If Obama isn't sure about Hillary now, he'll never be come he** or high water.

In retrospect, all the shenanigans leading up-to and in-the-wake of securing the much coveted prize, amounted to a lot of flimsy posturing, the swallowing-of-pride, you name-call it.

So, what fell down and went boom?

Perhaps, Lady Diana said it best.

Three in a marriage just doesn't work.

If it wasn't slick Willy's fault, then just maybe Hillary's to blame for failing to be a "gentleman" on Tuesday night - and ultimately - for being a spoil sport.

After all, boys will be boys.

What do I predict?

No Hillary. No Edwards.

Yup, it's all about change.

So, I hazard a guess that "Golden Boy" will be scratching around for a spanking new candidate without any baggage.

Bet 'ya a fiver, dudes.

Reflections in a golden eye...

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