One of the main focuses of the Internet in recent years has been as a research tool, a social outlet for the curious masses, or as a means of touting opinions on the World-Wide-Web.
In recent days, Americans sat up and took notice when it became evident the Internet was also a powerful tool to influence the election process as well.
Now, U.S. Military officials are seeking ways to develop "virtual attacks" on enemies of the American way of life.
A spokesman for the military noted that initially agents limited their activities in this arena to diverting data packets that may have put National Data systems at risk.
At a meeting of the Association for Intelligence Officers recently, Lt. General Robert J. Elder Jr. noted that the military may facilitate network warfare in the future to interfere with an enemy communication system, for example.
In that event, the online maneuvers may replace the need for conventional weapons such as bombs, landmines, etc.
However, no such attack would be launched, Elder assured the media, without first considering the rules of engagement the military is normally mindful of in most military attack-mode scenarios.
In sum, there would be a formal declaration of war first, added Elder, at a New York Chapter meeting held in recent days.
Unbeknownst to many - myself included - apparently Cyber attacks were used by the U.S. Military in the early days of the Iraq war. So, the concept is not novel or far-fetched, to be sure.
On that occasion, Military experts jammed Iraq military systems, using the network attacks to thwart Iraq ground units from communicating with each other.
In view of the fact the "Homeland Security Act" is still in full force and effect, it occurred to me that it is wholly possible that the U.S. Military is surreptitiously scanning the bandwaves in the name of National Security right under our noses.
If so - will the American people ever be privy to the information that is gleaned - whether it is relevant or not to military intelligence or national security?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Thomas Jefferson once said,
"From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots."