Jody Foster..intriguing mystery. Playful pretty photo sneaks into my blog realm unnoticed!

This past week a couple of controversial posts drove the traffic sky-high at the naughty "Tattler".

So much so, that the server went down and I couldn't even access my own blog!

Needless to say, some snafus reared their ugly head as well.

For example, a couple of separate posts merged into one, on occasion the google blogspot log-in page didn't load properly (so it was off-kilter and screwed up!) and data just went zip into thin air.

Consequently, I spent a part of the afternoon going thru the blog to get a handle on glitches.

Curiously, when I stumbled across an older review of Jody Foster's last thriller - "The Brave One" - I was inclined to click it open and check for broken links, double-check for typos, that sort-of-thing.

Well, I received quite a jolt when the mesmerizing publicity still of Ms. Foster (above) popped up on the screen!

You see, originally, I featured the studio publicity shot used to advertise the film which captured Jody in a decidely butcher stance with a menacing revolver in hand. (below)

Imagine what a surprise it was to encounter the one gracing the top of the blog page staring me in the face in its stead.

Gosh, have the High Priests of the Internet band waves been playing fast 'n loose - engaging in a little Tom-foolery - with the specific intent of wrecking havoc with my memory?

More astounding, I am forced to consider the very real possibility that Ms. Foster played a hand in the intriguing mystery.

After all, with a few well-placed connections in the biz (at the studio where the source code could be tinkered with) it is highly conceivable that Ms. Foster could have pulled off the clever stunt.

If that's the case, Jody - you blew me away!

Stumbling across your sexy little bod stretched out over the bed like that (whilst you gazed so intently into the camera lens with that come-hither-look beckoning (me?) was a captivating moment that caused my heart to skip a beat, to say the least.

I expect you were at Gay Pride today, too, incognito?

Do tell.

I'll keep it on the down low, promise!

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