Anna Djambulilovna Chakvetadze

Anna Djambulilovna Chakvetadze is consider to be one of the hot female tennis players from Russia, born in Moscow, her birthday was on March 5th, 1987; she's about 5'7 feet tall, her weights is about 128 lbs, she's a right-handed player and uses a Fischer M Pro 98 racket's. 

Anna Djambulilovna Chakvetadze started playing tennis as young as 8 years old as her mother name Natalia was the 1st one who teaches her to play tennis. She has a very good statistic, she was one of the seed and in her junior days year 2003 she reached junior finals in Wimbledon. She also won her first pro tournament in 2006 in China.

Anna Djambulilovna Chakvetadze  was consider to be one of the top ten players in the world in year 2008. However, she's still very young and got plenty of time and chances in front of her,  she'll have to train harder to improve her shots stroke if she plans to go all the way to the championship.

Anna Djambulilovna Chakvetadze also likes to read books especially for mystery  novels, she also likes to listens to music and there's also rumor that her favorite movie is Troy. Besides playing tennis she also enjoys playing soccer and considers herself to be ambitious.

Anna Djambulilovna Chakvetadze is yet to show if she has enough to go all the way in the rankings, as in this moment she still lacks that finesse that separates best from the rest.


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