Best sunscreen for your skin

Being in the sun for long periods of time requires great protection when it comes to your skin. Without protecting your skin it can lead to serious diseases such as skin cancer, which is known as melanoma. We are advised to use spf 15 lotions to guard ourselves against the UV rays of the sun, but now they have made a little change to that.
According to the experts on Fox News those who spend large amounts of time in the sun are told that lotions that are spf 15 are no longer as beneficial as needed.
Sure they work, but they are not strong and resilient enough to fight the effects of the sun. The last thing you want to worry about is how long and effective your sunscreen lotion is when enjoying a day at the beach. Apply sunscreen and forget it, that’s how it should be.

The most effective sunscreen that the experts suggest is spf 45 or higher. One of the top sunscreens that they suggest is Neutrogena with spf 45. Applying any lotion is not wise, the most important thing you should do before buying it is to read the labels. It is crucial knowing which sunscreens to use. Even if you don’t spend too much time in the sun, still be cautious.

When buying sun protection lotion make sure that it protects you from UVA and UVB rays. Neutrogena spf 45 is a very popular sunscreen lotion, it is one of the best when it comes to protecting your skin from sun damage. Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-touch sunblock is a smart choice. When it is on your skin it feels like nothing is on.
By far one of the best sun block lotion it’s non-greasy, goes on light, protects skin heavily from sun damage. Neutrogena sunscreen lotion has antioxidants which nourishes the skin making it more healthy and the best part this sunblock lotion is waterproof. Have fun in the sun and protect yourself with Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-touch lotion with spf 45. You can find this skin cream at Amazon for only $7
Care for your skin when you are out and about, the same goes for facial moisturizers. Make sure your anti-aging lotion has spf 15 that will prevent premature aging such as deep wrinkles, baggy eyes and crows feet. Have you ever noticed that people who don’t have the best skin care have lizard like skin? Their skin is rough and malnourished, keep your beautiful.

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