2009 World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS Day, in which we draw attention to the AIDS pandemic and also remember the people lost to the disease.

I count some of my friends and extended family members among the 25 million people who have died of AIDS between 1981 and 2007. There are another 33.2 million people around the world who live with HIV/AIDS as of 2007.

I'm also concerned about the high infection rates for my transsisters as well, who acquired it either through risky sexual practices or sharing needles with infected people while injecting hormones.

So take a moment to say a prayer for the people we've lost, who live with the disease every day, and pray that a cure is found for it as well.

Bad PR For Macs

Been a couple of PR nightmares pop up for Apple lately.

First there's the unwanted photo of Bigot Harry Jackson using one of their computers to read his speech hating on the DC marriage issue during the pubic commentary phase.

But at the same time, Apple can't help the fact the bigots like their computing products, too

Then this old Mac ad touting their iMovie software resurfaced on YouTube in late September and caused some drama as well.

Model Gisele Bundchen in this ad is supposed to be the embodiment of a home movie made using iMovie. After the Mac presents Gisele, the PC presents a person wearing a dress identical to Gisele’s, in a wig, with no breasts, five o’clock shadow and an abundance of exposed chest hair.

The ad ends with the line: “Work in progress?”

Apple is a company that prides itself on its progressive politics, and many of the people that own Macs are GLBT community members. The last thing they want is ruffled feathers with an important segment of the marketing base.

According to GLAAD, they contacted Apple about the trans stereotype filled ad, and they stated they haven't run this since 2006.

But it did add up to a couple of PR headaches for Apple amongst its GLBT clients.

UH Coogs Climb to Number 18 in Football Rankings

The Coogs climbed up the college football ranking ladders this week in the wake of their 73-14 demolition of the Rice Owls.

They moved up to Number 18 in both the AP and USA Today College Football polls. They jumped two spots on the AP one and seven spots on the USA Today poll.

They also gained ground in the BCS poll, moving up two spots from Number 23 to Number 21.

And best of all, the Bayou Bucket is back where it belongs.

The Coogs play for the C-USA Championship Saturday against the C-USA East Division Champion East Carolina Pirates. Should be a fun game with Case Keenum only needing 50 yards to pass the 5000 yard barrier for the season.

Eat 'em up!

The 2009 Weblog Awards

The 2009 Weblog Awards

How in Hades this got past me I don't know, especially since I've been waiting for the e-mail notification that it was about to take place and looking for the website since late October.

The 2009 Weblog Awards competition is about to begin and I'm a little pissed about it.

Unfortunately I'm finding out too late to nominate some blogs for various categories since nominations closed on November 22.

In scanning the list of nominees for Best LGBT blog, while Pam's House Blend, The Bilerico Project and Towleroad got nominated, TransGriot didn't.

There were a few blogs authored by Afrosphere bloggers whose work I felt deserved to be recognized in various categories but probably won't get that chance now.

Here's the master category list for 2009.

Even though I'm disappointed I probably won't get a repeat nomination for Best GLBT Blog, I'm still putting a link up to it anyway so you can vote for the finalists.

I'm also making damned sure when the 2010 Weblog competition rolls around that I and other Afrospear members are there on the first day nominating some deserving blogs.

TransGriot Note: The 2009 Weblog Awards were canceled due to technical issues. Ready to pounce the minute that the nomination period opens for the 2010 edition.

Login di facebook tanpa email

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Sometimes We Transwomen Can Be Our Own Harshest Critics

During the podcast interview Renee, Allison and I had with Isis a few weeks ago, we talked about the fact that some days, even though people are complimenting us left, right and center because we are working it, we still feel unpretty.

Frankly, we transwomen can be our own harshest critics when it comes to our appearance and how we interact with society.

For those of us who take our transitions seriously, being our authentic selves is important to us. We not only want to look the part, we want our actions and interactions with others to flow seamlessly in the key of life.

The desire to be as flawless as possible sometimes drives us to be hypercritical about how we present ourselves as the women we are or wonder if people are reading us as trans as we go out and about in the world.

It can lead us sometimes to feel as though we are in a perpetual femme realness ballroom competition, but with much higher stakes than just getting a series of tens from a panel of judges.

Failure in the real world to get that perfect score of passability can lead to anything from minor verbal abuse to extreme violence ending in your death. It is that backdrop of knowledge that sets up in a transwoman's mind the drive and the desire to get it right and blend in 100 percent of the time.

We transwomen discover at some point during our feminine journey even ciswomen don't approach that degree of accuracy in terms of their feminine presentation.

So why should we nitpickingly criticize ourselves for not meeting the 100 percent accuracy standard either?

Yes, we are gonna have our days where we feel that we don't nail our femme presentation. Just shrug it off, fight through it, and to borrow the line from an old commercial, never let 'em see you sweat because blending in is 90 percent confidence.

Stand up taller, look people in the eye, believe that you are the finest thing walking on Planet Earth and merrily strut through your day.

And when you get home, try not to beat yourself up over not reaching an impossible standard.

Mike Huckabee's Potential 'Willie Horton'

If former Arkansas governor and Faux News show host Mike Huckabee runs for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, get ready to see the picture of this gentleman in a lot of political attack ads directed at him.

This is Maurice Clemmons, who has a long criminal record. At age 17 he was convicted of aggravated robbery in 1989 and sentenced in Little Rock, AR to 95 years in prison.

During his term as governor of Arkansas Huckabee commuted his sentence, which resulted in Clemmons 2000 parole. Clemmons subsequently violated his parole, was sent back to prison and released in 2004.

Huck caught a lot of flak during the 2008 GOP nomination race because in GOP eyes he issued too many clemencies and commutations. He cited Clemmons' age at the time as a reason for doing so.

Why this is blowing up is because of the ambush deaths of four police officers in a suburban Seattle coffee shop Saturday.

If it turns out Clemmons is the person responsible for the deaths of Lakewood police Sgt. Mark Renninger, 39, and Officers Ronald Owens, 37, Tina Griswold, 40, and Greg Richards, 42, Huckabee's gonna have some problems with the 'law and order lock 'em up and throw away the key' side of the GOP base.

Huck's already trying to do damage control on the developing story now by playing the blame game.

"Should he be found to be responsible for this horrible tragedy, it will be the result of a series of failures in the criminal justice system in both Arkansas and Washington state."

Yep, and one of those failures is one you are responsible for.

Stay tuned to this developing story that many of us will be watching, especially Mike Huckabee.

Tuning Motor Show in Essen (Essen Motorshow)

In the German city of Essen, the 42 th Annual tuning autoshow Essen Motorshow.

At the Essen Motor Show, presented models such as the open version of supercars Ferrari F430 Spider, dragster Mercedes-Benz 300 SL, Brabus B63 S, the police version of the BMW 1 series of tuning-studio AC Schnitzer, Chevrolet Corvette C6.BlackforceOne from studio Loma Performance, and others.

Backpack in the form of a dragon

An incredible love story

The people that you see on these photographs have never met in reality.Aaron and Rosie - two photographers, but live on different continents, he - in the U.S., and she - in the UK.They never kissed in the shower, no sleep in one bed, not embraced in the street, did not rejoice together stargazing, but the great and almighty Flickr photoshop joined their destinies.
Every Sunday Rosie sent her photo to Aaron, who in turn, combines it with her, as though there was no distance between them.
Thousands of people have watched this love story, the pictures were beautiful, and now it is time to say that they did meet - after nine and a half months since the beginning of acquaintance (how symbolic) Valentine's Day.

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