Masjid Nabvi Wallpaper

 Masjid Nabvi WallpaperSome information About Islam

The Word "Islam"

The "root" of the word "Islam" in Arabic is SALAMA which is the origin of the words Peace & / or Submission, a submission to God and peace to all humanity. It is, thus, no wonder why the salutation in Islam is: "Al-Salamu Alaikum or Peace on You." 

In this regard, Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) ordered his fellow Muslims to salute others Muslims or non-Muslims with peace when he said: "Peace Before Speech"
It is a Rule in Islam that during war time, an enemy warrior who pronounces the word peace is totally immune. 

Justice & Fairness to Non-Muslims

In This regard, Muslims are governed by the rules that the relationship with non-Muslims should be based on justice, mutual respect, cooperation, and communication. The Quran is very explicit about the justice part of the relationship when Allah stated in Verse 60:08 "Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just."


Launch event of Pentax K-r...yay! :)


Pictures & video courtesy of S...:)

Highest paid women

Highest-Paid Women in America

(Newser) – On the heels of its 2009 Most Powerful Women list, Fortune has compiled another of the best compensated females in the corporate world. The top 10 for 2008:
  1. Safra Katz, president, Oracle: $42.4 million
  2. Linda Chen, president, Wynn International Marketing: $23.9 million
  3. Sharen Turney, president and CEO, Victoria's Secret: $20.3 million
  4. Wellington Denahan-Norris, chief investment officer, Annaly Capital Management: $20 million
  1. Andrea Jung, chairman and CEO, Avon: $19.5 million
  2. Ann Livermore, executive VP, Hewlett-Packard: $17.3 million
  3. Irene Rosenfeld, chairman and CEO, Kraft: $16 million
  4. Candice Bagby, former senior executive VP, Regions Financial: $15.2 million, including severance
  5. Patricia Woertz, chairman and CEO, Archer Daniels Midland: $15 million
  6. Indra Nooyi, chairman and CEO, PepsiCo: $14.9 million
Source : Newser

States best housing market 2011

Best and Worst Real Estate Markets Announced in 2011
The annual 25 best and worst real estate markets in 2011 are announced by Housing Predictor, which forecasts housing markets in all 50 U.S. states.

Destin, FL, January 17, 2011 --( The best and worst real estate market forecasts for 2011 have been issued by Housing Predictor, which selects the 25 best and 25 worst markets annually. Markets selected have the highest probability of reaching their forecasts, and are updated over the entire year as housing market conditions change.

Despite the fall-out of the troubled economy, more than 15 states are projected to experience housing inflation or appreciation during the year. Eleven are represented on the best 25 housing market list, indicating that stabilizing factors are projected to impact much of the country in the New Year.

However, there’s no shortage of markets that will experience housing deflation as the U.S. struggles to recover from the worst downturn in real estate in decades. The foreclosure crisis has topped 5-million homes and is forecast to gain momentum as more and more homeowners, who have lost equity in their homes walk away from properties.

Consumers, bankers, mortgage companies, retail outlets and real estate firms consult Housing Predictor forecasts. Housing Predictor forecasts more than 230 housing markets in all 50 states and offers real estate news, foreclosure listings and analysis on the housing market at

Famous epitaphs

Even though the personalities presented in this article died, a good epitaph written on the tombstones makes them unforgettable. Below are the most unusual and famous epitaphs monuments in the entire world.
1. Mel Blanc: That's all folks!
He was probably the best known voice of all time, interpreting characters like Sylvester the Cat, Bugs Bunny, Yosemite Sam or Porky Pig. When she died due to heart disease in 1989 at 81, this epitaph response became the very famous at that time.
2. Spike Milligan: "I told you I was sick".
This epitaph for the Irish Gaelic comedian translates as "I told you I was sick". Milligan, who died of an accidental rupture of the liver in 2002 at age 83, was famous for its humor in TV shows and movies such as Monty Python's Life of Brian.
3. Joan Hackett: Go away - I'm asleep.
The actress appeared on numerous television shows like "Bonanza" or "The Twilight Zone." Unfortunately, she died in 1983 of cancer, at the age of 49. Her epitaph monument note was copied from the note that appeared on her door when she did not want to be disturbed.
4. Rodney Dangerfield: There Goes the Neighborhood.
Comedian and actor Rodney Dangerfield died in 2004 because of severe heart complications at the age of 82. The epitaph fits with his most famous phrase "I don't get no respect."
5. Rudolph van Ceulen: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288...
A life's work van Ceulen Rudolph, who died of unknown causes in 1610, was to calculate the value of pi. He was so proud of what he got that he asked for his discovery to be engraved on his tomb. His epitaph monument is definitely the most famous in the world of calculus.
6. John Yeast: Here lies Johnny Yeast. Pardon me for not rising.
Historical data tells nothing about the death of John Yeast. Not even about his profession. Some can only believe he was a baker.
7. Jack Lemmon: Jack Lemmon in...
Actor in "Some Like It Hot, The Odd Coulpe and Grumpy Old Men", he has died of cancer in 2001 at the age of 76.
8. Hank Williams: I`ll never get out of this world alive.
The title inscribed on the tombstone of the famous country singer is the name of a well-known song he used to perform.
9. Dee Dee Ramone: "Ok... I Gotta go now".
Punk rock bassist in The Ramones, he died of an overdose in 2002 at the age of 49. His epitaph refers to a band's hit called "Let` s go."
In conclusion, epitaphs monuments are a great way of remembering celebrities and the message is chosen in such a way that their memory remains alive for years and years.

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Colors Colors

Guys and girls...for those who've been asking about my pink Pentax K-r camera, do come tomorrow (Wednesday, June 29th) to Plaza Senayan at 2-4 p.m. as there will be a Pentax exhibition plus a fashion show from can explore more about this camera and also make purchases on the spot...I'll also be there so do drop by and take some pictures together hehehe...yay! See you, all! :)


Professor Grizwald and the Redstone Keys is OUT NOW

It's finally done! :D Click the link above to get to the download page.

And check out this trailer:

Jim Kolbe

b. June 28, 1942

Jim Kolbe (R-Arizona) served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1985 to 2007 and was the second openly gay Republican member of the House.

" The cause for all gay persons . . . will be advanced when we focus not on what sets us apart from our fellow Americans but on what we share in common. "

Congressman Kolbe is the first Republican to represent southern Arizona since statehood. He is recognized as a leading proponent of free trade. He serves as Chair of the Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs of the House Appropriations Committee, which funds most U.S. foreign aid programs, narcotics interdiction efforts, and counter-terrorism activities. Kolbe is known for his advocacy of Social Security and immigration reforms.

The Congressman's interest in politics began early in life. At 15 he left the family ranch in Arizona to serve as a Senate page for Senator Barry Goldwater. He earned a bachelor's degree in political science from Northwestern University and an MBA from Stanford University. He was awarded the Navy commendation medal, "V" for valor, for his service in Vietnam. Prior to his election to Congress, he served in the Arizona state senate.

Kolbe was for a time the only openly gay Republican serving in Congress. When he publicly acknowledged his homosexuality in 1996, Kolbe said,

"This is the best day of my life, really. I feel a tremendous burden lifted. It's a relief. I'm being totally honest about myself to friends and family. It feels wonderful."

In 2000, Kolbe became the first openly gay person to address the Republican National Convention.

After completing his eleventh term in Congress, Kolbe announced that he would not seek reelection for a twelfth term in 2006.


June 28: Sunil Babu Pant, Nepalese Politician

"People in general do not wish to discriminate against their fellow neighbors.

Sunil Babu Pant is the first openly gay politician in Nepal. His 2008 election to the national legislature followed years of activism on behalf of the Nepalese GLBT community.
Trained as a computer engineer, Pant received a scholarship to study in Belarus. It was there that he first heard the word "homosexual" and identified as a gay man. It was also where he was first exposed to entrenched homophobia, inspiring him to fight for equality in his home country.
In 2002, Pant founded the Blue Diamond Society. The group consists of more than 20 organizations and 120,000 members representing the interests of the country’s GLBT and HIV/AIDS communities. Leaders and members of the society have continued their advocacy in the face of threats of arrest and violence.
The Blue Diamond Society was party to a 2007 case that led Nepal’s highest court to declare that GLBT individuals were “natural persons” who deserve protection and civil rights. The court also ordered the establishment of a commission to study same-sex marriage as well as the addition of a third gender option on official government documents.
Pant was elected to Nepal’s Constituent Assembly as a member of Nepal’s Communist Party United. His legislative goals include equal justice and economic rights. He serves on a committee charged with rewriting Nepal’s constitution. In spite of his many accomplishments, Pant insists that his work is far from complete: "With our progress, however, is the awareness that so many more need to be served."
In 2005, Pant and the Blue Diamond Society were awarded the Utopia Award, Asia’s leading GLBT honor. In 2007, the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission bestowed the group with its Felippa de Souza Award.
Pant, who lives in Nepal's capital city, Kathmandu, recently founded Pink Mountain, a company that offers GLBT-geared travel packages to Nepal.
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Choosing an eco-friendly salon

Every tanning bed for sale on the market today is not known for not being the most earth friendly activity, but why not change that and make it into a profitable business? While it will still use power and need the same accessories and conveniences that others do, you can change your plans slightly and select different products to turn a regular salon into a lifestyle accessory. Here are a few of the different ways your salon can have a green edge in more ways than one!
Tanning beds for sale are guilty of being extremely hard on utilities. Consider adding solar generated power to ease the strain on the power grid. While you will doubtfully be able to become completely independent, you can greatly improve your utility bill and the amount of power it consumes. When it comes to water, get rid of traditional water heaters and have a tankless model installed that only heats the water you are using. Low flow fixtures, eco-friendly toilets, and automatic sensors are also helpful

Accessories And Products
You can greatly reduce the effect of a tanning bed for sale by choosing the accessories and products you offer wisely. The amount of packaging and the distance those items are shipped are the first thing to watch. Selecting organic lotions and items made by green-minded manufacturers are immensely helpful for you, the producer, the environment, and most importantly, the customer. Look at how much packaging they use for their products and what the packaging is made from. You will also want to eliminate disposable products as much as you can and offer incentives to clients that encourage them to bring in their lotion bottles for refilling or recycling.
Decor And Design
The actual construction of your salon can have a huge impact on the earth. Consider having concrete flooring that keeps the building cool, reducing the use of your air conditioning. You also want to be sure that your doors and windows are energy efficient and well sealed. Of course, simple things such as energy saving light bulbs and other accessories help too.
When it comes to decor, look to natural products and second hand stores for inspiration. Recycled garden gates look fantastic and can add a relaxing feel to the space. If a tanning bed for sale makes you think of tropical destinations, use bamboo flooring as a wall or ceiling treatment and continue the idea from there including seashells and sea grass.
When planning to turn a tanning bed for sale into a profitable eco-friendly idea, you need to be careful. Many of these ideas can cost a lot of money. Start with main items such as solar heating and work your way from there. Don't be afraid to shop around when it comes to tanning beds, lotions, and accessories to find great deals. Include these green ideas in your tanning beds and salon and watch the world around you and your profit margin turn green.
About the Author: Christine O'Kelly writes for Tan America. Founded in 1983, Tan America has manufactured more than 30,000 tanning beds. They offer a tanning bed for sale as well as after-sales service and marketing help.

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Water weight loss

You need to understand the concept of water weight loss, as opposed to fat weight loss if you want to lose some pounds. These concepts are two completely different things. Burning away fats or fat weight loss is the main goal of those who are on a diet or an exercise routine. On the other hand, water weight loss simply concerns the losing the water in our bodies.
Water is essential to our health which means that we all need a certain amount of it at all times. It's common knowledge that our body is made up of 70 percent water. Water is crucial for cellular function and hydration. Our bodies would shrivel up and die without water. Obviously, they safer way of losing weight is to focus on fat weight loss rather than water weight loss.

You can find a lot of pills on the market now days that encourage water weight loss. It is much quicker to pull water from our bodies than it is to burn away fat. You have to adopt a healthy and nutritious diet and combine it with a rigorous workout regime in order to drop real weight.
Unfortunately, some people are just too lazy to do it the hard way. The phrase "No pain, no gain" holds no value to these persons. These individuals usually turn to miracle diet pills to help them lose those extra pounds.
Miracle diet pills pull some of the water off of your body, hence creating the illusion that you've actually gotten thinner. However, all the excess body fat is still on your body. All you've really done is deplete your body of necessary water that your muscles, organs and brain require to function properly.
Remember that an extreme water weight loss is bad for you. It's time for you to step up to the plate. Quit whining about not wanting to work out. If the rest of us do it and so can you.
Don't be fooled by those lame diet pills off that are offered on those infomercials. Using them to lose weight is certainly not a prudent choice. You would be better off by getting active in a gym or fitness program. Get a personal trainer if you have to.
But whatever you do, don't resort to drastic water weight loss instead of burning away fat because you'll only be hurting yourself in the long run. Hop on the World-Wide-Web now and learn more regarding water weight loss and its effect on your body's health.

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Best credit cards with rewards 2011

Granted 2008 and 2009 were slow years for credit card consumers looking soak up rewards, however, in 2011 the competition amongst credit card companies has been fierce. Today, cash rewards, miles, and points are being thrown at consumers in every direction by credit card companies. Last week we covered the best balance transfer credit cards so far in 2011 and pointed out the dynamic that currently exists between the leading credit card issuers. It seems the major players keep attempting to one-up each other in every possible category. With rewards credit cards you see the same thing – one week a card will come out with a $50 sign up bonus, the next week another company issues a $100 sign up bonus, and now we have one credit card with a $150 bonus! below we’ve highlighted our favorite 3 rewards credit card offers in 2011…
Best Rewards Credit Cards in 2011:
1) Chase Freedom® Visa – $150 Bonus Cash Back – this offer is currently our favorite, however, it’s a limited time promotion from Chase Bank and hasn’t been available throughout the course of 2011. we like the rewards structure with this card because of the whopping $150 they throw at you after just $500 in purchases within the first 3 months. you can also rack up a decent amount of points as they offer 5% cash back on up to $1,500 in bonus categories each quarter. You’ll also be able to get 10% cash back when you shop online at select merchants and 1% cash back on all other purchases without limits to how much you can earn. plus, the points never expire and there is no annual fee.
2) Discover® More Card – $50 Cashback Bonus – this offer is another one that top’s the industry in both cash rewards, points and balance transfer terms. It’s a fairly versatile card and currently comes with a $50 cash bonus after just $250 in purchases within the first 3 months. You’ll get an 0% APR intro period on balance transfers for an entire year and a 0% APR intro period on purchases for 6 months. You’ll also be able to rack up 5% cash back in select categories such as travel, gas, groceries, restaurants, etc. and 1% unlimited cash back on all other purchases. there is also no annual fee associated with this card.
3) United Mileage Plus® Signature® Visa Card – this card would certainly hold the #1 spot on this list if it were slightly more attainable. right now, you must have excellent credit to get your hands on this card, but if you think your credit is in good standing it’s probably worth a shot. here is what you’ll get – for starters, you’ll earn 25,000 bonus air miles after your very FIRST PURCHASE. to put this offer in perspective, 30,000 air miles is more than enough for a round trip ticket to anywhere in the continental US. plus, you’ll get a $50 statement credit after your first purchase as well. You’ll also earn 1 mile for every $1 in purchases with the card and they’ll waive the annual fee of $60 in your first year. to sum it up – depending on who you fly with, you’re essentially getting a reward package worth between $500-$750 just by opening the card.

Source :

Famous twins

Some of the earliest well known twins can be tracked down to the 8th century BC. The legendary founders of Rome are twins named Romulus and Remus. Mark Antony and Cleopatra had twins named Alexander and Cleopatra, although they did not leave a strong mark on history as their parents had.
Twins have a common presence in Greek mythology:
Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra, twin sisters of Castor and Pollux.

Castor and Pollux, the Gemini twins, aka the Dioscuri.
Apollo and Artemis, son and daughter of Zeus and Leto. Apollo is the god of the sun and Artemis is the goddess of the moon.
Heracles and Iphicles. These twins are different in personality. Usually one symbolizes positive power, light, and truth, while the other symbolizes the opposite - evil, darkness, and negative energy.
Leaving mythology aside, real world twins are incredibly in tune with each other, so much so that when they work together they are known as one:
The Olsen Twins (Mary Kate and Ashley), stars of the hit TV series Full House
The Gibb brothers (Robin and Maurice)
Bee-Gees, members and founders of the disco-rock group
The de Boer twins (Frank and Ronald),both famous soccer players in the Netherlands
The McWhirter brothers (Ross and Norris), compilers of the Guinness Book of World Records
In most cases, one twin has received more fame than their sibling. The famous Dear Abby columnist, Abigail Van Buren's twin sister is named Ann Landers. She was a columnist as well, however she did not reach the level of fame that her twin sister had. Hollywood actress Scarlet Johansson has a twin sister who is an actress as well. Although she played in several films, she has not received the high regard that her twin has.
Browsing through the list of unique twin name, it is a wonder why there are not more successful and famous twins. Each baby girl name and baby boy name on the list is that of an exceptional person, one who has gone above and beyond the level of those in his or her field or profession. Perhaps twins work together as a yin and yang and only when there is a major shift towards one of them, he or she wins huge success.
Siblings are known to choose different paths in life, to find their own place in the world that is unique from that of their brothers and sisters. The question that comes to mind is, why would these siblings go into the same profession? It is extremely rare for to reach such a high level of success, and doubling it is even harder. Perhaps twins possess an unconscious pact in which one helps to raise the other, even at his one's own expense.

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How to become a private detective

If you ever get to meet a real live private detective, you might be disappointed. Most of us paint a mental picture of Humphrey Bogart reincarnated, tough and mean, five o'clock shadow and belted, white raincoat. However the reality is usually very far away from that.
Private detectives today if you told them that they were going for a stake out would think that were being invited for a barbecue. They would put on a Hawaiian shirt instead of a white raincoat.

The majority of private detectives of today spend their time in a computer laboratory and not pounding the pavements. Not that a lot of private detectives began their careers as investigators as detectives in the police force. Statistics show that that number is dwindling and that more and more young people are choosing to become private detectives as a profession and actually study at college. Lawyers and accountants who see a limited future in these professions are bringing their knowledge to the profession whilst they are still relatively young.
The question is why would anyone want to become a private detective?
The fact is that the profession does offer a certain level of excitement, lack of monotony and freedom from the confines of a normal job or profession.
Anyone in the profession will tell you that to become a private investigator requires a blend of cunning, curiosity and investigative creativity. The reason that many retired police detectives become private detectives when they can happily afford to retire, is that the miss the "buzz." They need the attraction of probing into some situation, be it in real life or on a computer screen.
Retired detectives are becoming the minority in the profession of private detectives. Although they bring with them years of experience, many of them have been left behind as a result of the computer age in which we live.
Instead a marked increase is being shown in the last few years in those who become private investigators immediately after they have graduated from college, either with a degree in criminal justice or forensic science.
The large insurance companies are a very major target for fraud, and for this reason they are always on the look out for young, talented an private investigators. The private investigator will be sent to the claimant's home neighborhood to quietly and unobtrusively observe the claimant's movements, They will sniff around for details, try and engage the neighbors in conversation What a private investigator will try to unearth is if the injury claim was genuine, and as soon as the insurance company's back is turned, the claimant doesn't throw down their crutches and start dancing.
Divorces are another area where lawyers and attorneys will use the services of a private investigator. The private investigator can be used to investigate and prove cases of infidelity in marriage, as well as civil claims of damage and injury.
As the internet age gathers momentum, more and more private investigators are gravitating towards this field, and acquiring the necessary skills to handle many of the new generation of crime being generated by it. Computer fraud is becoming increasingly widespread. The rewards for cyber net criminals who find a gap can be in the system can be huge. For this reason, more and more web criminals are attacking the public online. Private investigators that are capable of putting a stop to this fraud and bringing the perpetrators to justice stand to earn massive rewards.
All in all employment prospects for private detectives looks to be strong at least for the foreseeable future.
Computer wise and up to date with all the current methods of electronic surveillance, and as the wave of computer crime on the Internet continues and spreads, the new generation of private investigators will be there to combat it.

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Adele forced to turn down Beyoncé Glastonbury duet

No story type selected- - Adele was reportedly forced to turn down the opportunity to perform with pop superstar Beyoncé Knowles at the weekend due to illness.
The American star was the first solo female performer to headline at the prestigious Glastonbury music festival and wanted to share the stage with Adele.

But the 23-year-old singer has been suffering from laryngitis for the past couple of weeks which saw her have to cancel several dates from her US tour.
Adele has been under strict instructions from her doctors to not use her voice which meant that the collaboration with the Single Ladies singer would have been impossible.
The big-voiced songstress is said to be very upset at having missed out on the great opportunity.
“Adele was absolutely gutted, BeyoncĂ© is one of her big heroes,” an insider told British newspaper The Sun.
“It would have been the stuff of dreams to perform with her – the gig of her life.
“But docs have told her she’s got to rest her voice or risk damaging her prized asset. She hopes one day they can do something together.”
Although there were rumblings from die-hard festival fans about an R&B singer headlining the Pyramid Stage, Beyoncé won over the crowd with her energetic 17-song set last night.
She later described singing to the 170,000 strong crowd as the “highlight of her career.”
© Cover Media

Source : Yahoo News

Stars who gained lost weight for roles

Ever since Robert De Niro gained 60 pounds to play washed-up boxing champ Jake LaMotta in the 1980 film "Raging Bull," actors have been using extreme weight loss and gain to help transform themselves into their on-screen characters.

Colin Farrell appears to be the latest. A recent photo snapped in Spain shows an emaciated Farrell with hollowed cheeks, sunken chest and stick-thin legs. It is believed that he shed the weight for his latest role as a Bosnia War photographer in a new film called "Triage," which is currently shooting in Alicante, Spain.
While these days it seems everyone in Hollywood is trying to pull a De Niro, shape-shifting actors can earn the kudos and respect of their peers. George Clooney in "Syriana" and Charlize Theron in "Monster" both won Academy Awards after they packed on the pounds. Renee Zellweger and Tom Hanks were both nominated after they gained and lost weight, respectively.

Some doctors worry that such dramatic transformations can give audiences the wrong impression that they can fatten up and drop weight in a flash.

"It's not as easy as it looks," Madelyn Fernstrom, associate professor and director of the Weight Management Center at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, told ABC "I counsel patients all the time that these people have medical monitoring, special diets and exercise regimens."

In actual fact, losing or gaining weight that fast is not good for your health. It causes kidney stones, stretch marks and not to mention it promotes yo yo dieting.

Lovey Dovey Vitamins

S actually came and brought me sweet...:') And he brought me some Oreo too!


Thank you so much, S...143 :)

Harry nicknames Pippa 'Commando'

Rumour has it that Prince Harry has recently nicknamed Pippa 'commando' in light of her not wearing knickers under her figure-hugging Alexander McQueen dress. Obviously we'll never uncover Pippa's secret to a perfectly pert, knicker-line free
bum but with wedding fever sweeping through the MyDaily office, there has been much debate over whether or not the no knickers rule is appropriate for the walk down the aisle.

Which is worse, no knickers in church or a VPL on your wedding day? Let us know what you think by voting in the poll below.

choose and property manager

How To Choose An Excellent Property Manager

When you're looking for a property manager, you're looking for someone reliable, honest and easy to communicate with. This is the person that's going to be watching over and taking care of your real estate properties in your stead. This means they've got to be perfect at doing all the tasks you need them to do. Here are some valuable tips to help you in choosing the right one.

The Interview Process
The way to find a property manager is to select several that sound good and suit your needs. Then, call them to arrange an interview. You'll want to ask them questions about their experience and the places they've taken care of in the past. Another purpose of the interview process is to get an overall feel for their personality. Communication is really important, and you need someone that's easy to talk to, comfortable and who gives you a good feeling. You should also check up on all their references. Their references can sometimes give you the information that will make or break them. A few more things you should look for during the interview and selection process include knowledge of the local area and its real estate market, an ability to crunch numbers so they can handle the accounting and good customer relations.
Check Out Their Company
If you're dealing with a firm, you'll want to check out the company to see how it operates. Your property manager should be available whenever you need them. When you call their firm, are you able to talk to them directly or are you always dealing with a different person who you don't know? How do you feel about their customer service? Does their firm have a high turnover rate? These are things to consider, because you want your property manager to be there to stay. You want them to be easily accessible when you need them.
Price Is Important, But...
Of course, you want to find a property manager who does their services well for a low price. You want it to be a good value for you. However, don't go with the cheapest one that you can find. When shopping around for the right firm, you have to weigh their price with the services they offer, which means you've got lots of things to consider other than just price. There are stories about bad management everywhere. Unfortunately, there are some less than scrupulous people in this profession. For this reason, you want to choose one based on their attributes and professionalism, and not just the bottom dollar. Sometimes paying a little extra will help you avoid getting your real estate ruined by bad management.
Contact lots of different companies and go through the process with all of them. It takes a lot of work to find a good property manager, but it's very important to look until you find the right one. Do your homework and you'll avoid falling into the trap of choosing a bad property manager to take care of your real estate properties.

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Brains On Fire

Been sneezing like anything today. Sigh. Really hoping to get rid of my flu by tomorrow. So what have I been up to lately? Basically running Up, going to office once a week, preparing my upcoming wedding insya Allah, and searching for a new little house for me and S...:)

I really believe that being positive gives you greater positivity in return. My life has been full of struggles, and no matter how many falls, disappointments and tears I had to go through, I am proud to have always tried my best and let Allah decide. For any of you who is feeling down at the moment, please believe that everything happens for a reason, a reason that we might not understand at this point of time, but is actually the best for our lives. Stay positive and the universe will multiply that positivity for you...:)

Zara floral top, Miss Houndstooth pants, Allura flower piece, unbranded hats, Nine West sandals

"Brains On Fire" is one of the best books I have ever read. Really recommended! :)

Btw, this is a message to S --> Please come and bring me some vitamins. Thank you.

Shoo Flu

Bloop blue dress, gifted red dress, unbranded tights, Up wedges

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