Single Player Commands is back! Woooo

simo_415 over on the MineCraft forums recently updated his Single Player Commands mod for 1.3. What does that mean? I'm back up and running at full steam! Progress on dungeon 3/4 is going well, and I'll maybe post a video or screen shots when I finish it up.

In the mean time, if you guys are wanting some adventure map action, I HIGHLY recommend this one:

Gourd Avenger (Adventure Map) [By Akito12345]

The puzzles and scenery are very creative and the story is excellent as well. He's already got a sequel up so you'll have plenty of game time! Give them a shot, you won't be disapointed.

Salad & Us

It's weird how I only like vegetables when they are made into salad...caesar salad is my favorite! :)

Thrifted dress, mom's belt, Topshop socks, unbranded hat, Allura by Nasya Marissa necklace worn as hat piece, Dorothy Perkins flower brooch worn on wedges, Amante wedges

Anyway, happy belated birthday my dearest Ayu...hope you liked our gift hehehehehehehehehhehehehe...


*Garden salad image from here

Beauty tips for fairness

 Beauty tips for fairness
Beauty tips for fairness can work for almost any skin type. Not everyone has a round face or an oval face, but every face is perfect. The skins’ texture and tone is essential before applying  any creams or make up applications. Even the most plainest of faces can be transformed into a face of beauty. There are many beauty tips for fairness rules that can be useful in aiding any skin type, if applied appropriately. Below are a few suggestions. How you apply the products you buy or make will determine the effectiveness, of the beauty tips for fairness solutions that you use.

The first thing you want to do is cleanse your skin. Start with a mild face cleanser. Follow the instructions on the label, for your skin type. Using a cleanser that is not appropriate for your skin type could cause outbreaks. Begin by rubbing the cream on your face in a circular motion as you clean your skin, this aid in stimulating good circulation. This can apply to the entire body. Using a soft brush on the entire body stimulates better blood circulation throughout the entire body. Applying beauty tips for fairness techniques to your skin helps your skin to breathe, shine and glow. This gives it a healthy and lively appearance.

Next, you can apply your make up as usual. Some people find that changing their brand of make up (actually) improves the appearance of their skin. Some makeup can be harsh to the skin and can cause mild to severe skin irritations. Try applying cocoa butter at night before retiring to bed; it makes the skin soft and silky. Organic makeup may be worth looking into, since non-allergen ingredients are becoming more popular in all aspects of marketing. Using good beauty tips for fairness in a positive way can help to improve many undesired skin problems.

Your skin is the most important part of your appearance. It works as a protector for the inner parts of your body, protecting you from the harshness of the sun, rain and wind. Your skin is really a barrier to the harsh environment that we live in. You should use skin protectors such as sunscreen and sun blocker that is compatible to your skin type. Applying the right beauty tips for fairness solutions is important in preventing further skin irritation.

If you have serious skin conditions that have not gone away after several months of at home remedies, and over the counter treatments, you may need to consult a dermatologist. Taking care of your skin is essential to promoting and maintaining good and healthy skin tone and texture. Fairness for beauty tips are suggestions that can help you maintain a good and healthy skin glow.

Latest Bridal Dresses

Latest Bridal Dresses

Bridal Mehndi Dresses in Dress Designs just look new and Latest Bridal Dresses which you can like in coming weeks.

Bordercraft! Version 1.32 (Beta 1.3!!!)

Hey everyone!

We've got another update! This time we have all of them pesky new items and some awesome bug fixes! In addition, I did the armor skins so armor is visible on characters. Hoorah!

Version 1.3.2:


These are HD textures so you'll need to use the texture fix found here:

Bordercraft Thread:

Change log:
-Beta 1.3 items!
-Some stray pixel bugs
-Watch works! (64 version is still a bit wonky)

-Added GUI and items
-Adjusted crack animation
-Fixed textures with overlap or bleeding

-New lava texture
-Sign texture adjusted so text is legible
-Water and Ice color adjusted
-Removed some noise off of Glass
-Rails tile now
-Rest of the particles completed and properly placed (Note particle and fishing bobber added)
-Wild Grass Mod compatible
-Refined wood and door match more closely
-Grass texture adjusted

-Added new Beta 1.2 items

-First Release

Happiness Ahoy

Round about a year and a half ago now, I put up a post numbering thirty things that were bringing me joy in that moment. Every so often since then I've revisited the list and have found it quite enduring. I still love Georgette Heyer's novels and near everything else listed (especially the Roses Lime, because I've been in a gimlet place lately. Scurvy, do you think?). I'd be hard pressed to keep it to 30 items these days and, having read Suburban Matron's Little Pleasures post, I'm thinking I can make it straight up to 50, with the addition of more than a few non-thingish items. Sure, she's got some mighty excellent literature and even physical fitness on her list, but I've got romance novels and pie. I'd say it's a draw.

So. Let's do it. Twenty more things that make me happy, and then I want to hear a couple from ya'all. Deal?

  1. My new role at work. Yummy.
  2. Adele's Rolling in the Deep
  3. Today's Philadelphia Inquirer review of the Kyber Pass Pub - I was brought to the Khyber once or twice by a pre-Brainiac beau and have ne'er thought of it since. I wonder what ever happened to that boy?
  4. The peanut butter cupcakes my girl and I baked today (maple frosting, salted peanut garnish).
  5. That Downton Abbey is now available on Netflix
  6. That the young mother in My Village who nearly died having her babies is stronger every day
  7. That I can draw my son out of himself every time with the suggestion that we bake a pumpkin pie
  8. The dining table I intend to order soonest
  9. That three people I like and respect have found jobs
  10. My latest amazon order, full of the Duchess of Devonshire and gluten-free recipes (not in the same book)
  11. My new grey boiled wool jacket
  12. Top Gear (don't tell my husband - I'm getting much mileage (ha!) out of rolling my eyes when he tunes in)
  13. The napkins on which I'm embroidering a pinecone motif. They're a surprise for a friend and I think she'll really like them.
  14. The two cases of wine we bought yesterday, mostly malbec and rioja
  15. My mother's high school graduation picture
  16. Key Lime pie. Frozen. On a stick. Covered in chocolate.
  17. Our new dog. Her name is Summer and she's fantastic.
  18. The local theatre company that offers excellent productions AND affordable tickets.
  19. I'm keeping my promise to myself to take lunch to work when I'm in the office
  20. That I could go on for 50 more
That was fun. Now it's your turn. I know, I haven't been around in a spell, but throw a girl a bone, won't you? What are you enjoying these days?

February 27: Sherry Harris, Pioneer City Councillor

b. February 27, 1965

All real and lasting change starts first on the inside and works it way through to the outside. Politically speaking, each person being the change we wish to see in the world is the only stance that can make a lasting difference. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

Believing it impossible to win election as an out lesbian, many people warned Sherry Harris against running for Seattle City Council. In 1991, Harris proved her skeptics wrong. She defeated a 24-year incumbent councilman and became the nation's first openly lesbian African-American city council member.

Prior to politics, Harris pursued a professional career in engineering. In 1980, she received a B.S. in Human Factors Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. She worked as a project engineer for PNW Bell Telephone Company.

As Seattle City Councilmember from 1992 to 1995, Harris championed downtown interests. She promoted the expansion of the Washington State Convention and Trade Center and supported a downtown symphony hall. A native of Newark, New Jersey, Harris said, "I was raised in a city where the downtown died, and so did the rest of the city."

Harris has worked with Humanity's Team, an organization that emphasizes interpersonal connections. One volunteer who worked closely with Harris said, "She is truly a fine leader demonstrating great passion for humanity's well-being [who] displays uncompromising strength of character."
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Redstone Guide: New redstone repeater blocks, and a improve Zelda tune setup

Here's a quick guide I put together for the new redstone block, and a MUCH easier setup for the Zelda "secret revealed" sound. Enjoy!

And to forget to check out/subscribe to my YouTube channel. More vids to come!

Lotsa Flowers

It's always nice to go on the weekends because S would be around and he'd take many many pictures of me and us hehehehehhehe....

Visited Amante at Plaza Indonesia, which apparently is a local brand! Pretty good (and affordable), I must say....:)

Thrifted blouse, Cheap Monday jeans, Primark hat, Up wedges

Ended up getting these from Amante hehehe...

The studded peep-toe booties was the best purchase as it was on discount...

And oh, Buffalo Wings & Rings is gooooood! Loved the chicken wings a lot...:)

Lazy Times

Currently expanding my trousers collection...:)

Unbranded shirt, L&K pants, mom's belt, Up wedges

Acknowledging The Necessary

It's always interesting to bring up a topic about piracy in the context of women and fashion. Unlike guys who are more straightforward admitting that they buy pirated goods just for the sake of a cheaper price, women seem to have a more complex reasoning in their purpose and justifications.

Talking about buying pirated goods is not always about "I can afford" or "I can't afford". It's not always about the finance. It's about the thinking behind it. When I buy a fake good, I openly tell people that it's fake, and bought it just for fun because it was too cute and too cheap to simply miss. As wrong as this is, at least I don't run away from the fact that it was wrong. I admitted it. However, there are many people out there who buy fake goods and pretend that they're not. They act all expensive and classy and think that they're NOT wrong. It's like saying "this isn't red" while in fact everybody knows it's red and you yourself know as well.

It leads to a nowhere-point when we debate on "but you're rich and you can afford while I can't but i want to look just as stylish". It's not a matter of social status, economy class or the action itself, but a simple thought & act of taking responsibility. The richest people can buy fake goods after all. But then what would matter is how they respond and take responsibility of their actions; to admit or to fake it.

Be 100% original inside and outside, peeps. But it's always more important to start from the inside...:)

Pencils & Me

I loooooove this illustration Anastasia Turnip made for me...thank you soooo much, dear! :)

Craft Spice (featuring Bordercraft!) :D

Funny Old Spice parody done by Kootra, Gassy, Dan, and Ze.

Check out their other videos! They're some funny guys.

Slow goings...

Since the 1.3 update, many mods broke. A lot of them have been updated (MCedit), but one in particular, "Single Player Commands", has not, which has brought my progress on the map to a temporary halt :( . I can still build certain things...but definitely not at the same speed as before, which is frustrating. I will be putting any major sections of the map on hold until "Single Player Commands" is up and running again.

Let's hope for a quick update!

PS, This is in no way directed at the mod creators. I don't expect all mods developed freely by the community to be 100% working on patch day. Thank you all for your tireless efforts to make MineCraft more enjoyable!

Grizwald and the Curse Pyramid - Complete walkthrough (Part 4)

Here's the last part of the walkthrough. Stay tuned for more redstone guides/new map previews, and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Ice Cream Pop-Ups

I love love love Magnum ice cream. In fact, my family is a HUGE fan of Magnum.

There was this one time when I said to S, "you know, Magnum's Belgian chocolate is so good, they should actually just open an ice cream restaurant and serve Magnum-based desserts". And guess what? THEY DID! Ha!!

Today was the opening of Magnum Cafe at Grand Indonesia, 5th floor, and I got invited to experience the whole new Magnum concept. The place was gorgeous. And cozy. And nice. They had waffles, desserts, small bites and even drinks made out of Magnum ice cream. YUM.

I have no idea who this guy isMy Anjani wedges

This place is brilliant. And good. It's a pop-up cafe though, meaning it's not permanent, and will only be present for 3 months. You guys better try while it's there! :)

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