Best ways to ask for raise

While life is full of wonderful experiences it is also full of uncomfortable situations.  Trying to figure out the best way to ask for a raise is just one example of a situation that requires us to step outside of that comfortable circle but in some instances, this is necessary.  Most companies or bosses are great about giving raises when due or deserved but others not so much.  Sometimes, the problem has to do with a boss who simply does not stay current on employee needs for one reason or another but other times, the issue has to do with a greedy boss who hopes that by not offering, the employee forgets.

If you have been promised a raise, formally or informally and you know from reviews and other praise that you met or exceeded responsibilities in all areas of your job, then you have the right to ask for a raise if one is not offered.  It would also be helpful to know the best way to ask for a raise when in a situation of accepting a job and after several months realizing the responsibilities are far greater than told.  No matter the scenario, this process is tough but with the following information, you will see that it does not need to be an uncomfortable or even embarrassing request.
Keep in mind that what constitutes “the best way to ask for a raise” varies based on a number of factors.  For instance, your relationship with the boss, the type of job you do, the length of time you have been in your current position, the industry, and the company’s financial situation would all be factored in.  Because of this, we provided more than one method for accomplishing this goal.
For starters, always ask for an increase in salary by meeting with your boss in person and in private.  Ask your boss directly or schedule time through his or her assistant so the two of you can sit down behind closed doors.  Income is a very sensitive subject, especially from the company’s perspective.  The amount you make is between you and your employer so any request made for more money should be made away from other people to keep the conversation and details private.
With the boss’ attention, some believe the best way to ask for a raise is to come prepared with documentation or information that shows why the raise is warranted.  Even if the raise is scheduled, being armed with “proof” never hurts.  Remember, in some companies the human resources or payroll department handles raises, which means your direct boss may not be current on what you make or when you need an increase.  Therefore, having the employment agreement along with other documents showing achievement would be advantageous.
Most professionals agree that the best way to ask for a raise is to be direct.  Now, being direct does not mean being curt or unprofessional but being straightforward in your request.  In other words, when sitting down to talk, you want to have a plan, stay focused, and be articulate when speaking.  Most often, bosses are busy and even super nice bosses usually want to handle the business at hand and move on.  Stating your case directly eliminates wasted time to your employer, which to him or her equates to respect.  Because of that, receiving the raise asked for is more likely.
Finally, if you go to your employer asking for a certain dollar amount, experts agree that you should ask for a raise higher than expected.  With this, there would be room for negotiation.  As an example, if you expected a raise of $3,000 a year but were hoping for $5,000, ask for $7,000 or $8,000.  Your employer is likely going to balk at the higher number but he or she may come down to $4,000, which means you received more than expected but a little less than hoped for.

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