What's gayer than a roomful of gay bloggers?

How about a roomful of gay bloggers in an off-Broadway bar?

Like a swarm of digital locusts, gay bloggers from around the country, far too many to list or link here, are descending on Manhattan this weekend.

With Blackberrys, cell phones and iBooks in hand, the weekend kicks off Friday night at Barrage, the Hell's Kitchen saloon a couple of blocks from Times Square.

Organized by Dallas blogger Mark, of Zeitzeuge, this weekend cavalcade of photoblogging, vlogging, moblogging, and ho-blogging even enjoys a commemorative t-shirt, available here.

If you want to meet, greet or beat some of your most favorite or most hated bloggers, show up at Barrage around 8pm. I'll be cowering in the corner, with a diet beer.

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