Getting My Imelda Marcos On

One of the things my friends know about me besides being a serious sports fan and having to drag me kicking and screaming out of a bookstore is that I love shoes.

If you wonder where I fit on the girly-girl spectrum, I'm firmly on that end that loves makeup, regular manicures and pedicures, heels and fashionable clothes.

It's another one of the things besides my mom's intelligence and age defying good looks I inherited from her.

I have talked about shoes at various times on TransGriot, but haven't talked about my own personal love of them.

I love shoe shopping, be it online at one of my favorite bookmarked sites, other shoe manufacturers websites, and local and national retailers.

My collection isn't even close to Imelda Marcos status, I don't have room for 3000 pairs of shoes even though Dawn has tagged me with that nickname.

So why the love affair with shoes? Some girls like having the latest fashion clothes in their closets. Some indulge in getting the latest Prada or other purse in various shades and colors.

Mine is shoes in various styles, textures, colors and heel heights. And yes, be fore you ask, I like the heel height between 2.5 to 4 inches.

So what if I'm 6 feet 2 inches? There are supermodels and WNBA basketball players taller than I am rocking heels, and many of them don't care what peeps think about tall women wear heels that make them even taller.

I like wearing them, I look good in them and I have no problems navigating the world with 3 inch heels on.

On that note, time to head out the door and head to the mall.

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