Major fixes for version 1.5!

Hey everybod-eh!

A few major visual bugs were brought up to me for the latest version so the Easter Bunny brought in an update! Here ya go!

Version 1.51:


These are HD textures so you'll need to use the texture fix found here:

Bordercraft Thread:

Change log:
-Fixed grass for fast graphics
-Torch adjustments to get rid of stray pixel
-Redstone fix for 1.5
-Sapling placement fixed
-Pine bark adjustments

-Fixed tiling issues with some environment textures
-Moved the grass around
-Added new rail textures
-And the new saplings
-And your mom!

-Weather textures (not implemented in the game code as of this post)

-Beta 1.3 items!
-Some stray pixel bugs
-Watch works! (64 version is still a bit wonky)

-Added GUI and items
-Adjusted crack animation
-Fixed textures with overlap or bleeding

-New lava texture
-Sign texture adjusted so text is legible
-Water and Ice color adjusted
-Removed some noise off of Glass
-Rails tile now
-Rest of the particles completed and properly placed (Note particle and fishing bobber added)
-Wild Grass Mod compatible
-Refined wood and door match more closely
-Grass texture adjusted

-Added new Beta 1.2 items

-First Release

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