Ride A Painted Pony

Today's New Yorkana: The Bryant Park Carousel. Grandly titled "Le Carrousel", in keeping with Bryant Park's overall French classical theme, the carousel was built in 2002 by Brooklyn's own Fabricon. It strikes me as oddly reassuring that there's a company out there making beautiful brand-new carousels, because when I first noticed this one a few summers ago, I assumed it was an antique, just beautifully restored.

The word carousel is derived from 12th century Arabian games of horsemenship called "carosellos", in case you were wondering, which I'm sure you were. Also, did anybody get the lyrical reference of this post's title? Also also, my mother loved this picture so much when I emailed it to her last summer, she's got gottten it blown up and framed on her sun porch. Also also also, you can ride Le Carrousel for $1.75 and book it for private birthday parties.

You know, I would love to do a bear invasion to the carousel one summer day. I call the pink one.

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