Nikki Reed and Kristen Stewart Set For Gender Bending Roles In Upcoming Movie 'K-11'

White it's irritating to some people in the transgender community who feel our own should be doing these roles, Hollywood has other ideas.

The trend of ciswomen playing transwomen in motion pictures continues with Nikki Reed and Kristen Stewart from Twilight being the latest actresses to attempt to do so in the upcoming movie 'K-11'.

The movie is set for release in 2010, and the title refers to the section of the LA County Jail in which celebrities and GLBT people are housed.

They are placed there to avoid putting them in dangerous and potentially life threatening situations with general population prisoners.

It focuses on a successful record executive who is jailed in K-11 on suspicion of murder and is housed in the dormitory like facility.

Details about the movie have yet to be released, but Reed will play Mousie, the cell block leader, while Stewart will play Butterfly.

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