Thanks Again, Leona!

This is one of those 'today is a good day' moments.

I mentioned four months ago that I was given the honor of writing a commentary for my sis and blogger Leona Lo's wildly successful sold out play the Ah Kua Show.

I was surprised and flattered she asked me to write the commentary. What made it so much cooler was that she's one of the many people in the international trans community I have much love, respect and admiration for.

She's been doing a wonderful job in Singapore helping to educate and dispel myths about trans people in her homeland.

Now that I've shown my Singaporean sister some love, I'll move on in this post.

My mailbox had a surprise waiting for me earlier today.

I'd forgotten that Leona asked for my address a few months ago in order to send me a program from the show.

When Dawn handed me my mail, it finally clicked who it was from when I saw the Singaporean stamps on the envelope and eagerly tore into it.

Sure enough, there was my Ah Kua Show program.

Leona, thanks again for giving me the honor of writing that commentary and in a small way, be a part of that show. It was comforting to know that even though I couldn't be there physically, part of me was there in terms of my composed words in the program.

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