Thank You Trans Vets!

Today is Veteran's Day here in the States.

We take this day to remember the people who not only sacrifice to serve our country in the military, but as recent events have made painfully clear, give their lives to protect it and their fellow Americans as well.

I wanted to take this moment to give a Veteran's Day shoutout to Monica Helms and Angela Brightfeather, the founders, president and vice president of TAVA, the Transgender American Veterans Association.

TAVA works tirelessly on behalf of transvets to advocate for their issues. They also educate our military on issues and policies that affect past, present and future military personnel who happen to be transgender.

I have had the pleasure of meeting in our community many transvets who proudly served our country. Our transvets such as Phyllis Frye and Autumn Sandeen have also played major roles in helping us get organized and providing leadership to our community in various ways as well.

So from a blogger who has much love and respect for your service to our country, I wanted to say, Thank You, Trans vets.

Thank you for everything you do to make the trans community, your local areas, your states, the nation and the world a better place for all of us.

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