The rapture may 21

Planning on Being 'Left Behind' on the May 21 Rapture? Enjoy the Live-Streaming Judgment Day Party

Comedians, educators, activists and others are gathering for a live-streaming Judgment Day Party to air 24 hours straight on May 21. While they're gathering for a great cause, if anyone happens to see Jesus, they'll be sure to report it.
(PRWEB) May 17, 2011
Jesus is coming back on May 21 and the Bible guarantees it, Family Radio evangelist Harold Camping has infamously declared. Skeptics, activists, comedians and others don't believe his apocalyptic warning for one second.

Rather than praying for redemption, they are gathering for a live streaming Judgment Day Party starting at 00:00:01 on May 21 and ending at midnight that day.
From the crowd gathered at Bunjo's Comedy Lounge to a lecture by Al Stefanelli, journalist and atheist activist, there's going to be a bit of something for everyone. Emmy nominee Thomas Quinn, author of "What Do You Do With a Chocolate Jesus?", Dr. Andy Thomson, psychiatrist, Chris Rodda, Huffington Post blogger, and world-famous astrologer Dr. Louis Turi are just a handful of the diverse guests who will share the limelight on May 21. Guest appearances are being updated daily at
Although the Rapture has grabbed most of the attention for May 21, the day marks another event -- Armed Forces Day. Playing on this coincidence, the Judgment Day Party is running a fundraiser to benefit the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), a non-profit organization that is arguably the nation's most aggressive champion of service members' First Amendment Constitutional Rights. MRFF is currently representing over 23,000 active duty service members who have complained of religious discrimination in the military, the majority of whom are mainline Christians. Religious minorities, such as atheists, agnostics, Mormons and Buddhists, are also represented by MRFF. The show will highlight the discrimination faced by America's "foxhole atheists" and others who are challenging "Spiritual Fitness Tests" that they have been given. They are also anticipating a legal challenge for a secular concert at Ft. Bragg, NC, called "Rock Beyond Belief" that will rival the Franklin Graham evangelical concert called "Rock the Fort" held there.
People hosting Judgment Day Parties are welcome to list their parties at and if they have access to a webcam, are invited to participate in the live steaming event. Submissions must be made by Wednesday, May 18, at 9 PM Pacific time for appearances in the live streaming party.

The live streaming party can be viewed at

Source Yahoo News

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