DEA protest...Americans for Safe Access to picket the Federal Building! Pot Busts must end!

Don Duncan, a rep for Americans For Safe Access, contacted me today to advise me that medical cannabis advocates will be meeting in front of the DEA offices at the Federal Building tomorrow to protest last week’s raids at six medical cannabis collectives and one private residence in the Los Angeles area.

Volunteers are downloading a flyer available online at the ASA website to distribute at the rally on  March 25th, 2008.

To make the protest effective, ASA notes that they need a strong showing to be sure that the DEA and media hear the message:

“Stop taking our medicine!”

Last fall, I attended one of their rallies in front of the Governor's downtown headquarters and reported on the DEA's abusive retaliatory conduct in the wake of the protest, and their ongoing concerted efforts to deny Medical Marijuana to patients in need of their medicine.

 In spite of the fact California voters approved a measure to allow compassionate use of cannabis for medicinal purposes (California Proposition 215) the DEA has been cracking down on the local suppliers, alleging that their outlets are engaging in conduct which amounts to,

"The illegal sale of an illicit drug outlawed by the Federal Government."

Although local officials (West Hollywood City Council and the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors) held emergency meetings with local law enforcement in the past to try to stave off future arrests until the conflicts in State and Federal Statutes could be resolved - bottom line - the FEDS noted their intention to pursue the matter to the full extent of the Law. And, they have been.

Now, Americans for Safe Access, intend to protest directly to DEA Officials.

According to ASA:

"Over the past several years, President Bush's Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has victimized patients and providers throughout California, undermining State Law, and stooping to new levels to shut down access for sick and dying patients in California."

In view of this, Americans for Safe Access have launched a pressure campaign, with the aim of putting the spotlight on the DEA and Schwarzenegger, so that appropriate action will follow to preserve patients' rights.

According to ASA, Governor Schwarzenegger can accomplish a lot by taking constructive action on the part of medical cannabis patients and caregivers now, and by giving a nod to the will of the voters in California at the same time, by standing up to the Bush Administration and the DEA.

In sum, ASA is urging the Governor to take a stand against Federal medical cannabis Law Enforcement efforts, and in the process, work at harmonizing Federal law with the compassionate laws of California and eleven other states that allow medical cannabis use.

In addition to previous campaign activities - which consisted of statewide call-in days, legislative visits from constituents and lobbyists, and sign-on letters from key public officials and organizations - the ASA now plans to stand defiantly against the DEA in the front lines on their home turf.

The campaign, building momentum in recent days (and after the recent raids on dispensaries in the San Francisco Bay area when I was up there a few weeks ago) will be successful if concerned citizens take action now - by drafting letters voicing their concerns, sending e-mails stressing the urgency of the situation, or by appearing on the rally day in person to let their voices be heard in uproarious union!

The bold-faced effort is expected to climax at a mass mobilization effort tomorrow - Tuesday, March 25th (11 am) - in front of the DEA offices:

Federal Building, 255 E. Temple Street, Los Angeles.


Additional info:

 Citizens unable to attend the protest are urged to initiate protests to the DEA directly, and also call Governor Schwarzenegger's office and demand that he take a stand on behalf of California citizens, with the aim of protecting their rights and putting an end to the DEA raids sanctioned against patients and providers.

The Governor may be reached in Sacramento at: 916-445-2841

In addition, an e-mail campaign designed to pressure the Governor, has also been underway in recent weeks which Californians can take an active part in.

Concerned citizens are urged to send e-mails to the Governor to demand that he ask George W. Bush to recognize California Laws as they pertain to the compassionate use of marijuana, and subsequently, end the "war on patients".

Citizens may use the ASA online action center to e-mail a form letter.

See you at the rally, tomorrow!

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