For someone who is hailed as a bright woman, Hillary Clinton doesn't appear to have a clue.
To some, she's like the party guest who overstayed her welcome, or the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about.
Some, just wring their hands in despair, and pray she'll move on.
The ongoing battle with Barack Obama - which the news team at CNN is now labelling a "slugfest" - is hurting her each day she hangs on.
A case in point...
Many are worried the former first lady may thwart the Democratic party's play for the White House, if she doesn't make a quick exit soon. For good reason.
The sparring with Obama has turned off voters in such pandemic proportions, that the dog-fight may be the reason the undecided cast their ballot for John McCain this fall.
For sure, McCain's winning the battle at home, if not in Iraq. The old war horse must be sitting back gleefully - as the two prance around the National Stage - in what appears to be a bad segment of Fox's "Dancing with the Stars".
One Senior Senator - Patrick J. Leahy - was blunt; he urged Mrs. Clinton to abandon her presidential bid and cede to Barack Obama - especially in view of the fact that another Senator, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, publicly announced his support for Barack Obama this past week.
But, Mrs. Clinton isn't ready to toss her pant suit into the ring just yet. That may be part of the problem. Some complain that she's got so much baggage, she can't fathom where to start packing.
Meanwhile, on the sidelines, her rivals snidely snicker that the fiasco is turning into a long drawn-out movie, of sorts.
Ole big ears was quick on the uptake, and inclined to respond with perfect aplomb,
"I like long movies."
Yeah, well this one should be titled, "Lust, Caution"; namely, Bill's lust, and Hillary's need to be cautious, as her political career starts to turns sideways and flip into oblivion.
Unfortunately, the catchy title is taken.
And, not even Ang Lee, could make it a smash at the box office.
Straight to video, for sure!