This past week, pundit Tim Russert was touted for landing the big Marlin...
Throughout the debates the affable political-savvy interviewer tried to pin down Hillary Clinton in respect to her vote on the Military presence in Iraq.
But, wily Hillary continued to deftly elude the probing journalist here and there throughout; until, he posed a particularly appealing question,
"Is there anything you'd like to take back?" he pointedly asked Hillary.
Lo and behold...the heavens opened, the trumpets sounded, and Hillary lamented at long last,
"Yes, that vote (on Iraq)..."
As a fellow pundit astutely noted, "Well, she floundered in the boat a bit. But you reeled her in. Tim, you landed the big Marlin!"
It was tough, but the prettiest lure finally snared her...
Now, about those tax records...