Well, when you were a kid, your mother drummed it into you.
"Wear clean underwear. You never know when you'll be in an auto accident in the street."
Say what?
One day recently, I witnessed a collision on Laurel Canyon, and the advice came home to roost!
I was waiting for a light to change - when a middle-aged woman thought she'd take a gamble and effect a quickie left turn - in spite of the fact a motorcyclist with the right of way was headed in her direction at top speed.
Big mistake!
Half way into the turn - the guy on the bike slammed into the side of her old caddie, soared over the roof from the impact - and landed with a thud in the middle of the bustling city street.
In a quick emergency effort to determine the extent of the injuries, paramedics sliced open the sides of his tight jeans at the seams.
At this point, his dingy-looking underwear, was exposed for all the by-standers to see.
Heh, Mom!
Now, I understand what you meant!
So, if you want to be fashionable when you're hanging out on the street, why not sport a pair of tightie-whities from Ginch Gonch, Calvin Klein, or 2(X)ist?
All, fit snugly.
And, they sure beat flapping in the breeze!