News that a top advisor in the Obama camp resigned within the past twenty-four hours came as quite a shocker over the news wire. Fortunately, the campaign worker in question relinquished her post without much argument; otherwise, the fallout could have conceivably upset the Presidential candidate's momentum a tad...
According to the Los Angeles Times - Foreign Policy Advisor, Samantha Power - landed in hot water after labeling Hillary a "monster" in recent days.
Well, I am sure the Dem fatale has been called worse!
Curiously, when the term "monster" is uttered aloud, it often conjures up shocking images of Elizabeth Taylor in her academy-award-winning role as "Martha" (in the riveting film adaptation of playwright Edward Albee's hit play, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf") where, at one juncture in the dark drama, "Martha" contorts her face in agony and screams - "I am not a monster".
In that context, all the nasty images of a sloppy drunk clawing desperately for survival flash forward through my mind...
In this instant case, one can only imagine what personality quirks Ms. Power was referring to, when she uttered the insult in recent days.
More dastardly was another comment she allegedly tossed out - without thinking - on the issue of Iraq.
When Power was quizzed about Obama's stance on the War, she was somewhat philosophical in tone,
"You can't make a commitment in March 2008 about what circumstances will be like in January 2009," she stated matter-of-fact. Indeed, she actually had the gumption to tack on to the end of the comment - without conferring with the "Messiah" first, no doubt - "Best case scenario, he (Obama) will revisit when he becomes President."
Whoa, Nellie!
Talk about foot in mouth...the Iraq "pull out" has been a major campaign issue. And, the policy touted has been manipulated in recent weeks to garner landslide votes for Barack Obama across the Nation.
A change of position would undoubtedly have disastrous ramifications for the Presidential hopeful now, in this crucial phase of the presidential race; especially with Hillary Clinton (the two-headed Cyclops) breathing down his neck!
Couldn't Ms. Power fathom that?
Needless to say, in spite of her Harvard background and a brief stint at Time Magazine as a respected (?) journalist, it appears that "Sam" is now all washed up!
To facilitate her own words in recent days...she "f***ed up".
"I'm not a monster..."