12 Step Still a Good Drug Rehab Tool

12 Step Still a Good Drug Rehab Tool
Many of the leading treatment centers holding fast to storied program
Sundance, Utah 1/17/2008 09:23 PM GMT (FINDITT)

A man stands up in front of a crowded room of people. Everyone is affixed to his every word. He states his name. He follows that by proclaiming he is an alcoholic and addicted to marijuana. He tells his story in a short detail, and finishes his statements by telling the audience that he is 220 days sober. With this the crowd cheers and lends there enthusiasm to support him. This is basically a generalized version of a 12-step meeting for building support in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. The 12-step program is still used in drug rehab and recovery programs to date.

The 12-step program was originally developed by Alcoholics Anonymous over 70 years ago. It is unique to see that a program that old is still an effective foundation for treating alcoholics and addicts with all the technologies and therapies we have today. Why is this? Millions upon millions of individuals over decades who found recovery from alcohol and drug addiction will tell you that it works. The majority of drug rehab programs in the U.S. still utilize the 12-step process as a part of treatment today. The secret is in the support. Addiction is a problem of influences. The wrong influences take people down the wrong paths. The right influences well, can change lives around. The support found in a 12-step meeting is a positive influence for staying clean and staying sober.

Some treatment centers out there are attempting to reinvent the wheel. They put down the 12-step program and say it no longer works. These treatment centers provide proper means of therapy, but fall short when it comes to following through after rehab. Overcoming addiction is not an event, it’s a process. Once drug rehab is completed, the impulse to use drugs and alcohol is ever present. The success of a drug rehab begins to fail when there is no support. The addict or alcoholic is left to resort to there old influences to feel comfortable.The 12-step program is a needed crutch for individuals after drug rehab.

Programs and support groups become the needed help for overcoming alcohol and drug addiction. Such groups as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Cocaine Anonymous are leading the way to helping individuals to stay on the straight and narrow of sobriety. There have been many stories of people trying and failing with drug rehab. It wasn’t until these recovering alcoholics and addicts found a support group or 12-step program that they truly found the strength for beating their addiction problems.
Who knew that a chance meeting of two men seeking the same thing would result in such a widespread tool in treating addiction? The creators of Alcoholics Anonymous found this chance meeting as the first support group of its kind in the 12-step process. For those who have used the program, they can tell you all about Bill W. and Dr. Bob. The inventors of the 12-step program are still revered as innovators in alcohol and drug rehab, seventy years after the program began.

Article provided by Cirque Lodge, a private alcohol and drug rehab center in Sundance Utah. We do this to continually help the public with their problems with alcohol and drug addiction. Treatment is available.

Source: Trans World News

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