A Dog's Life...in San Francisco; quote of the day!


In the Castro district, at 18th street, City Officials have allotted a picturesque little park where dogs are allowed to run free off-leash and play with abandon.

Yeah, you don't want to plunk down on the grass here - or else you'll end up with poopy pants - that's for sure.

As I perched on a quaint wooden park bench - and marvelled at a unique perspective on the San Francisco skyline - I occasionally petted a rambunctious canine that trotted by, now and then.

As I was about to continue on a leisurely tour of the city - a woman strolled by with an adorable pup in tow - who proceeded to dash up and slobber all over me.

The outgoing woman and I chatted for a moment or two - and during the interim - her trusty pouch was inclined to race off...sniffing here and there among the other, resplendent dogs.

"So many dogs to lick," she sighed quietly.

And, so little time!

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