Democrats...squabbling turns off voters; Slick Willy gets bad press!

Can Hillary, the "nutcracker", keep "Wild Bill" in line?

Heading into the home stretch on the campaign trail, there has been a big flap over the contentious mean-spirited behavior of Democratic hopefuls, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. In fact, gentle slaps we witnessed earlier on in the bid for the Presidency, have turned into near lethal punches. No knock outs, yet, though.

On the Dave Letterman show - on a three-way split screen - Hillary accusingly pointed a finger at Obama and criticized him for his former "slum landlord ties", while Barack - not to be outdone - lamented that while he was trying to prevent jobs from going overseas, wily Hillary was on the payroll at Wal-Mart - reaping in questionable spoils.

Dave Letterman was squeezed into the middle panel, tossing this way 'n that, trying to act as referee and get a word in edge-wise. Hilarious skit!

Meanwhile, Slick Willy has been making the rounds on the campaign trail, much to the disgust of the pundits, the press, and many Americans.

In fact, some have labelled his actions "demeaning" and "disingenuous".

Yeah, he was grabbing the headlines alright, and casting a long shadow over Hillary's strident speeches to voters elsewhere in the country. Some argue that he is a clever conniver who is using the occasion to tout his own accomplishments in the White House!

In one ambush, as he strolled through a swarm of reporters, he stopped and accused the press of fanning the frenzied flames, exacerbating the race issue, and focusing on the dispute between himself and Hillary.

He then retorted, "Shame on you. Shame on you!"

Yeah Bill, you chastised 'em, after you put your own two cents worth in. If you felt that strongly about the issue, you would have walked on and simply uttered to all within earshot - "No Comment".

When Obama raised the issue of "Wild Bill" recklessly loose on the Nation, his hubby just shrugged and sighed, "That's him. Not me".

If she can't curb her pit bull now, what will it be like when they're back in the White House?

An operator on a Cable Car the other day joked to me, "Well, the Democrats may as well enjoy the party while it lasts. They're not going to win. All that squabbling between 'em. And, they're not even talking about the issues. Each wants to be a first. Hillary, the first woman president. Obama, the only Black man to make it into the Whitehouse."

Then, as he shifted the gears on the trolley, he cackled, "They wouldn't vote in the Jew. What makes 'em think they will vote in Obama?"

Strong words.

I wonder what a cross section of America thinks?

Obama gives Hillary a gesture!

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