On a pleasant sunny Sunday afternoon a handful of members of "In Defense of Animals" were plunked out in front of Neiman Marcus corralling passers-by and lecturing them on the ongoing atrocities which are occurring every day in China in the "fur industry".
"In Defense of Animals" is an animal activist group and they are urging a Boycott of the Olympics in Beijing (China) because of the continued cruelty to animals in that Asian country overseas.
According to "Defense", from November through March each year, animals are crushed into barbed wire cages and forced to lay upon each other for days without food or water. Then, the animals are removed with tongs, stabbed in the groin, and bludgeoned or bled to death. They squeal out in pain as they're skinned alive and others are forced to watch and listen to their fate.
The animal activists allege that they have actual videotape footage which reveals in disturbing detail that some animals continue to live after their skin has been stripped and their bodies thrown into a heap with the dead and dying. In fact, the animal activists allege the animals continue to breath and live for as long as thirty minutes after the initial skinning.
Part of the problem of cruelty to dogs and cats stems from the fact here are no laws enacted in China to protect animals from this horrific treatment.
Because of loopholes in the labeling laws the Chinese are able to sneak fur trim into coats and garments without any mention of origins of the fur on the label.
To frustrate matters the fur industry often disguises its product through dyeing and other methods so that the buyer is unaware that they are actually purchasing a retail item which uses dog and cat fur.
Did you know that budget fur on collars, toys, and other accessories usually originates from China where the atrocities against animals are occurring?
It is calculated that over 5400 dogs and cats are skinned alive in China each day.
Because U.S. Laws only require labeling of fur garments over $150.00 in value, illegal dog and cat fur is exported into the U.S. without the consumer being the wiser about what they are purchasing.
Now, there is now a call to action to end this cruelty to animals.
First, and foremost, consumers are urged to Boycott the Olympics in Beijing until the heinous acts stop.
Secondly, Americans are asked to Boycott all pet products made in China.
In addition, fashionistas are asked to resist the inclination to buy fur or items crafted with fur trim.
To get involved personally, contact antifur@idausa.org for copies of brochures and cards to distribute in the community to get the word out and further the cause.
Finally, concerned animal-lovers are invited to get "vocal" by protesting to Chinese officials, directly.
Complaints may be forwarded to:
His Excellency Zhou Wenzhong
Ambassador of the People's Republic of China
2300 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
Fax: 202.328.2582
Cell: 202.328.2574
As Rue McClanahan noted,
"Cruelty is one fashion statement we can all do without"