Well, I suppose before a candidate gets firmly ensconced in the White House, it wouldn't be a bad idea to get familiar with his or her peccadilloes, if any.
In a sort-of ice breaker, the Presidential Candidates were asked on the eve before the Iowa Caucus, what their guilty pleasures were.
If you recall, for JFK, it was a - um - statuesque blond, smuggled into the White House in a trunk of a car.
Nixon? Well, allegedly, he salivated over cold hard cash in hand.
Ronnie Reagan loved jelly beans.
So, when Mitt Romney noted his sweet tooth for M & M candies - and a short list of other tasty finger treats - it was obvious - the man has Presidential traits.
As to Mrs. Clinton? Well, slick Willy's better half has learned quite a bit in recent weeks, judging by the way she answered.
When asked what her guilty pleasure was, I half expected her to quip in her own inimitable style - "Diamonds or Pearls, either". Instead, she quickly responded with her answer, "Chocolate". And, when queried further about the specific kind, she was fast on the uptake once again, "Dark Chocolate".
Yes, wily Hilly wasn't going to fall into that trap again - get caught sitting on the fence, trying to garner approval in every quarter - and hence - run the risk of coming across as the clever, but wishy-washy gal, we'd all come to love and chastise.
You rose to the occasion well, Mrs. Bill.
For Rudy, the indulgence amounted to a toss up between an expensive cigar or chocolate. Either one would suffice, in a pinch.
Another candidate also indicated his yearnings for a big fat cigar, usually one of questionable origins. I haven't given his name 'cause I'd hate to see him lose the election bid over a Cuban missile crisis, of sorts!
Surprisingly, Barack Obama was not inclined to put things in his mouth when it came to guilty pleasures...no sir, he confidently noted for the record that his addiction was to - Sports Centre. So, Dudes, if you're pining for a PREZ you can watch a game with, and chortle alongside of with a keg of beer to dip into, Obama is your man!
Judging by his trim physique, it was evident to me from the get-go that Presidential Candidate John Edwards was not into fattening snacks...he confirmed the fact, when he noted that he was inclined to indulge a little, by sleeping in!
There's a man after my own heart. There's nothin' finer (except for Carolina) than a late snooze, in a luxury hotel, with excellent room service.
Yeah, I'm inclined to just lay back on a pile of plush pillows, peruse the morning dailies, and channel surf for a couple of hours, before I face the day.
After tonight, John Edwards may be doing the same, who knows?