After Romney's altercation with a reporter in recent days, a newspaper reported on the brawl of words, and captioned the article, "Romney loses his cool".
On the heels of the momentous event, Jay Leno proceeded to invite the presidential candidate on the late-night forum, to lick his wounds and tell his side of things.
Jay is always on top of these International incidents!
In a nutshell, a heckler in the press corp took umbrage over Mitt Romney's assertions that there wasn't any lobbyist "running his campaign". After all, the writer was under the distinct impression that a lobbyist was, in fact, working in the Republican camp.
It was all a question of semantics, really.
"He advises me, he doesn't run my campaign," Romney retorted, as politely as possible under the circumstances; at which point, the two bantered back and forth like two spoiled brats sparring in the school yard at recess.
Someone was splitting hairs!
Here is the smell test: the adviser didn't inhale, did he?
Exasperated by the reluctance of the rude reporter to back-down, the presidential candidate reiterated the facts. When the reporter refused to let up, Romney finally hit his boiling point and lamented, "Listen to my lips".
Mitt, the correct presidential phrase is, "read my lips"...
Charles De Gaulle once said,
"Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word."