An oddball situation in Florida.
Just maybe, the muses are playing a cruel trick on wily Hillary, again.
Or, are the Gods just testing her mettle in new and uncanny ways, for some inexplicable reason?
Before the vote count got underway on Tuesday in the ole Sunshine State, Mrs. Clinton elected to take flight on the heels of her loss in South Carolina.
No doubt, she thought to herself, "There aren't any delegates to be had, so I may as well move on."
Focus where the spoils are, eh Hillary?
Lo and behold, when the votes were counted up, she ended up with "top tally". Even still, it was kind of a "no-win" win.
Mrs. Clinton appeared to win an Edsel, or at best, one with nothing under the hood.
What to do, without a "little engine that could"?
Well, pull the old Hillary switcheroo, of course!
She put on her party dress, and moseyed on in to FLA, and let out a Victory cry! In spite of the fact, it was a hollow one, indeed.
In response, Barack was there - like a bat out of hell - to rain on her parade, stomp his foot, and whine to all within earshot,
"She can't have it both ways."
Because she basically "boycotted" the region - gave it up for a loss - in the aftermath, Barack fumed that a claim of "Victory" was definitely a foul.
Bottom line, both sorry candidates ended up with a large goose egg.
And, ten lashes from the voters for being so petty about much ado about nothin'.
If the balloters thought the way Hillary and Obama did, who knows, maybe they would have been a "no-show" at the polling stations - stayed at home - instead.
How would the Dems like d'em apples - er - oranges, then?
Frankly, I find it rancorous - that to some - the residents of Florida don't amount to a hill of beans in the overall scheme of things in the presidential race.
While Hillary's appearance (all seven swift minutes of it) may have been over the top when she dropped in to snatch up her prize, the truth remains. Jetting in impromptu to "thank" the State's supporters - was not only the right "thing" to do - but the proper etiquette, as well.
To many, she probably scored high points for that.
But, of course, they don't count, or do they?
Don't residents of Florida have family and friends in other parts of the country, as well?
Yeah, you get my drift!
Hillary again, one conniving step ahead.
You've got to hand it to her; she's got smarts up the a**.
Barack in swim of things...