Yesterday's schedule was hectic. Early in the day, I attended the Mayor's inaugural ceremony here in San Francisco, dashed off to draft a post, then proceeded to get all spruced up for a night on the town.
When a passer-by informed me that Clinton had nabbed the New Hampshire primary, I did a double-take. Say what?
The McCain win, on the other hand, was not a surprise.
Look, it's going to be a topsy-turvy Presidential Race right down to the wire, as evidenced by all the curious goings-on to date.
The win by Huckabee in Iowa caused pundits to cry out - What the Huck? - and sit up and take notice of the guy whose political career was in the dumpster just a scant few months ago.
And, Hillary's 3rd place show at the Caucus in Iowa had 'em writing her off with a footnote, "The Clinton Dynasty is dead".
Late into the wee hours last night, theories were bandied about over the latest upheaval. Maybe the turnout was not there, one theorized. No, the records reflected otherwise.
Another suggested it may have been a case of dishonesty. Perhaps a sector of voters was swearing allegiance to Obama’s face, but in the back rooms of the polling stations, was doing an about-face?
In the privacy of the ballot booth, was it difficult to cast a vote for a Black man?
Months ago I predicted - bottom line - that no matter what voters said in the bright light of day, they'd vote "their way" in the final analysis.
For example, women would vote for Hillary, since they wanted to see one of "their own" in the Oval office. And, Blacks would vote for Obama, for the same self-serving reason. The Caucasian male? Well, he would probably cast a ballot for the strongest white candidate on the short list favored to win, on either side of the fence.
Just may be true!
Of course, there is the McCain factor...did he steal independent votes originally promised to the Obama pool?
With Ron Paul winning ten percent of the vote - a gain for the mild and meek Texan - undoubtedly, precious votes were snatched up from Obama in this scenario, too.
Then, there was the "moment" or the "episode" - call it what you will - the nano-second melt-down of Hillary. That attention-getter may have brought about a "change" alright: for the first time in decades, voters were privy to a private moment in which she revealed - unabashedly - how human, and down-to-earth, she really is?
In response, the American public cast a sympathy vote in support - albeit, a hasty, emotional one.
Unlike William Kristol, I don't believe the tears were manufactured, at all.
I've been critiquing enough movies over the years to figure out when a ham is on the stage.
Just as Huckabee and Obama had their day in the sun, now Hillary and McCain have a moment to bask in the glow.
But, hold onto your hats, there are more surprises on the horizon as the stakes get higher and campaign organizations - done testing the waters - push on with new vigor and determination in the race to the White House.
The next catch phrase?
How about,
"Don't ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
Hillary has a head start on that one in the eyes of the voters.
Clinton Kryptonite packs wallop!